Graeme Tolton
You were taught about ponies in OW?? Seems a bit like putting the cart before the horse. If the shop is teaching you that you need a pony, it is most likely driven by the fact that they are selling them. Anything less than 30cf is a waste of money. On top of the tank ($150ish), you need some way of attaching it to yourself (starting around $50, up), you need a 1st and second stage with spg ($400+). You are already talking about $600 for something that is not necessary at this point when you haven't logged dive #1. I didn't start carrying a redundant air source until I started going deeper than 120' of water that is usually at the most 45F. At this point, you should be worried about learning the skills being taught in your OW class. Without the proper skills, no equipment will save you when the $hit hits the fan.