A Signature tuned to 1.1" at 130 psi IP will crack at 0.85-0.9" at an IP of 150 (2psi above Mares max spec).
That's too low to avoid slight freeflow in the direct face down position.
If you turn the adjustment knob between 1/3 and 1/2 turn, you get your 1.1" back (though you lose 1/3 of a turn's worth of excursion if you want to raise cracking effort for a surf entry. That's what I'd do. You are merely adding counterforce to oppose the tendency of the higher IP to open the valve.
Alternatively, you could add that last "5 minutes" (1/12 turn) of clockwise orifice adjustment, and that gets you to 1.05", but I hear the faintest of lever clack when I do that, so you've lost a hair of lever excursion.
Either method is safe.
Just for grins, I tried adding the spring shim that we do for springs that get a little tired over the years,
View attachment 884694
but that raised min cracking effort to 1.4", so it was too much.
Anyway, easy safe fix for pairing it with a Mares at 148 IP.