This is absolutely correct.
You will be able to breathe a tank down further with little no increase in breathing effort using an unbalanced 1st stage like a MK2/G250-G250 as opposed to using something like a MK25/R190.
People think only one stage needs to be balanced, which is true up to a point. The point is when the tank pressure begins to go below the operating IP of the 1st stage, then the unbalanced R190 will begin to breathe hard because the spring pressure of the R190 is set to whatever normal operating IP is.
But with a high quality pneumatically balanced second stage, they can compensate for pressures much lower than normal IP, in some cases down to 10 PSI and in shallow water breathe just fine essentially on fumes. So a MK2 with a G260 will be able to be breathed further down than the MK25 with an R190. I don’t know if this is good or bad, it is a fact though. Personally I’d like a little warning if I wasn’t so much of a gauge checker, which I am.
All this regulator hair splitting should be moot because any diver should know to be well on the surface before any of this low tank pressure and hard breathing becomes an issue.
So just get whatever you want based on your budget and personal likes because in the real world it really doesn’t matter.