Well it is probably time to end the stupidity-discussion as it leads nowhere.
As my wife and I bought our G260/R195 sets 10 years ago when we had less than 20 dives and our LDS recommended them, I don't feel personally offended being called a "cheap" diver with stupid ideas. It was definitley a better decision than using rental gear. As a newby who recently bought it after recommendation from his LDS being called a "cheap" diver with stupid ideas could either make me feel offended or ripped off by the dive shop. However lets stop this part of the discussion here. I actually enjoyed the other Part of the discussion and thinking about the reasons you stated. Hope I was not to provocative (although I am still waiting for the explanations where all the "use only 2 identical reg"-divers hide on the boats I end up diving from

As to the comparison of the R195 vs G260: I already posted above I could not feel a difference using the R195 to depths down to 20m in Mexiko on drift dives. All other tests will have to wait a bit longer because going on the next dive trip with a 4 month old girl is not possible for us. Local diving that can be reached within 1 hour means lakes no deeper than 20m and no current. Also I'm not intending to spend the little bit of precious time I can have with her while she is so small diving a lake just to be diving, as there is not much to see . Hope we can do a few dives next year, but my wife and I will probably not be able to dive together for some years as one needs to stay on land babysitting.
Who knows, maybe in about 12 years when she hopefully wants to dive with us I will end up buying 6 identical 2nd stages
Sorry of using potentially offensive words.
Not-native English speaker here...
in Italian "stupid" (referred to an action, not to a person) is NOT an offensive word, it simply means "illogical".
I never implied that doing a stupid action means that the person doing it is also stupid.
Very intelligent people sometimes make wrong choices and perform stupid actions, posing their life at risk.
I am a big champ of this, and in fact I closely risked my life in at least 6 or 7 occasions, doing very stupid things!
I even had two experiences of temporary death and revival, when I was training as deep free diver (which definitely was something for which I was not suitable).
I always felt that trying to saving money (on training, or equipment, or taking shortcuts) when doing a potentially dangerous activity, such as scuba diving (or motorbiking, or mountain climbing, or alpine skiing, etc.), is not a wise choice.
Money is less valuable than your life or your health.
Scubapro's motto says "deep down you want the best", and I entirely agree with this philosophy.
An R195 is NOT the best of their regulators, so I do not want it.