Open Water the MOVIE...

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I forgot to mention the Great Lakes wreck sharks. They sense warm water gear on divers and thin out the herd when the free-flows happen...:wink:
I look foward to you pointing those out to me next month. Do they eat Zebra mussels? HUB's? Anything with the logo of a warm-water dive op? :crafty:
..... a tip to the DM before the dive to please NOT forget me.

If you've already tipped him he's concentrating on the guys that still haven't.... :wink:
I don't think it will "hurt" the industry but perhaps it may reduce the demand for this season. That may be a boon for those of us who don't fall into the movie panic mode over stuff like this - the basic laws of supply and demand. Perhaps the charters will reduce their prices in a pre-emptive move to keep up bookings. Remember the "Poseidon Adventure" and all the other adventure/drama crappy movies? Those didn't seem to have much affect on the cruise ship industry, et al . . .
Not in N. Florida, but in Missouri we have some nasty cave sharks. The caves were getting a little too crowded with out-of-state divers til the cave sharks started thinning the herd. Apparently they can not only sense fear, but sand or salt residue on dive gear as well. :wink:


Yep there must be 12 or 15 of us diving them now. LOL

So far the only other divers I've seen in Missouri caves are the ones that I braught with me. Sharks must have gotten them.
Is why I always wear a 1,800,000 candlepower, heliohexalogatoton purple laser strobe light on top of my head!

Will it hurt diving? Probably not. This dog will go to video in about a week....
I don't get it! Is it a love story? It looks like the "Blair Witch" in water. I think it will flop.
GZScuba... I had to laugh my butt off when I read this. I am not busting on you at all, but I was just thinking about what I would do in this situation. First, that gear would meet a nice bonfire, then I would be tossing the DM's bloodied corpse on top of it. Pissed would not even start to enter my vocabulary, pure rage might however.... Since I don't think that AL80 rental tank is gonna burn, it will however make a great tool to knock the DM and person responsible for role call over his head.

When I was in Cozumel a few weeks ago, I was told by people staying at another resort that a pair of very pissed off divers came onto shore at their resort one evening. Evidently they were doing a night dive, and they got left by their dive op. So they swam their way to shore. Evidently, they were diving rented equipment - they were so pissed off that they just left the gear on the beach.
Keep in mind that I heard this second hand, so it could be bogus.
It might be a good movie if they stick to the actual facts of what happened. I don't think it's going to hurt the industry at all but who knows until it's released????
I think the state of the past/current economy is a much more damaging factor than this movie could ever be.
I've done a couple long swims to the beach. Nothing dramatic or newsworthy about them, just we were some seriously whupped puppies when we got in to where we could (almost) stand up. After driving fins nonstop for many hours the legs don't support weight well.

An acquaintance was left by a boat while diving on the west edge of the Little Bahamas Bank. He was rescued by the USCG after spending a night in the water traveling north in the Stream. He was fully convinced his next possible stops were Bermuda and Iceland. He correctly figured he’d make Bermuda in about 2 months, Iceland in about 4. Bill had already made his peace with God when the Coastie who found him looked over the cutter rail and asked if he wanted a ride. Bill promptly said YES!

The boat Captain had his ticket permanently revoked.

The basic rule of working/playing at sea is not to put anything over the side or on the water you absolutely HAVE to bring home. This includes your arse. Mother Ocean is a hungry wench with a strangely varied appetite. Offering her new “munchies” can have unintended consequences.


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