Hi and welcome!
Nice to see some more French on the board!
You mind me asking where abouts you are currently?
I wish there were more diving lakes and quarries around here (Aude) I miss being able to head to a lake like Vobster quay for the day back in the UK.
My only real quick options now are heading to the Font Estramar or joining a group on a boat trip in the Med where I might be lucky to get 2 dives in and see a couple fish as the Med is pretty much Dead....
Anyway if you do want to get into Cave diving there are plenty of opportunities around, the Lot obviously as someone pointed out above, and a fair few around Spain too (Pozo Azul is one of my favourites)
So Bienvenue!
Hey !
I am near La Rochelle, and the quarry I dive in is named Saint Lin.
It is a great place for training, cold, but great

I have passing my Level 2 and I plan to do a initiation for cave diving at the end of the year (november maybe) in Lot.
Let me pass my Level 2 and 3 and we will go to the Red Sea together !