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Tragic; avoidable.
With the obvious exception of "oxygen" this pretty well sums this one up, I think.Panic led to diver’s death
March 7, 2007
(victim) took off gear, including his oxygen tank
By David Angier
A Jackson County man died after abandoning his dive gear and trying to swim out of a submerged cave.
(victim), 48, of Marianna, drowned Monday evening when he was trapped in the Jackson Blue spring of Blue Springs Recreation Area in Jackson County.
Edd Sorenson, owner of Cave Adventurers in Marianna and an experienced cave diver, said Tuesday he thought he was going to be able to rescue (victim), but instead found evidence of a fatal panic. Sorenson arrived at the springs 12 minutes after the 9-1-1 call went out. He was in the water three minutes later and used a motorized scooter to reach (victim) as quickly as possible.
Sorenson said he was traveling through the crystal clear water of the main passage when he encountered a thick cloud of silt about 700 feet in. He said he took a side passage to the left and followed the silt to (victim)’s body, which was 70 feet down the side passage and 96 feet underwater.
Sorenson said (victim) had taken off his diving gear, including his tank, which still had oxygen.
He said Jackson Blue is a popular destination for cave divers. He said the walls are white limestone with unique formations. The water is clear with unlimited visibility and the main passage clearly is marked with a gold-colored guideline.
“Of course, the allure of cave diving is what’s around the next corner,” Sorenson said. “It’s usually a very safe cave dive.”
He said “99.9 percent” of fatal accidents in cave diving happen when a diver exceeds his training or capabilities.
“I would think that’s what happened here,” Sorenson said.
Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Maj. John Dennis said (victim) was not a certified cave diver. (victim) was certified to dive in open water and had 20 years of experience in that sport. His partner on this trip, (buddy), 58, had a basic cave-diving certification.
(buddy) told investigators (victim) got stuck in a narrow part of the side passage they had taken. (buddy) went to the surface to alert the authorities and a 9-1-1 call was placed.
Dennis said there have been a number of accidents in Blue Springs over the years, but he did not know a specific amount. The last fatality in the spring The News Herald reported was in 1999. Dennis said he thought there was another, more recent drowning.
He said (buddy) and (victim) had been diving in Blue Springs before.
“Basically, they went into the cave. Mr. (victim) became trapped in a small opening and drowned attempting to free himself,” Dennis said.
Tragic; avoidable.