Hey!! What happened to HUE!?

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Glad you made it back to the swamp. Happy mothers day to all our mother divers out there.

Shawn O.

This is fun and all, but my intend was not to fuel another DIR vs non-DIR debate. I am sorry that apparently I was the catalyst for this abomination from hell thread.

Bottom Line: I never intended on being condescending, the cavern line was an attempt at humor (based on Paul's thread), which failed (drawback of the internet is that you don't see the non-verbals.).

Thanks Mark for chiming in, but there really is no need to continue to fuel this debate. On another note, when are we ever going diving together again :)?

I don't recall a bunch of DIR divers in that thread.

innocent trip report? I don't remember anyone accusing anyone of bounce diving, if your going to dig up old issues at least try to stick to the facts.

I may have misspoke. But I DO remember a lot of folks who very rarely visit the Swamp Divers Forum chiming in. I'm glad you corrected me and I could apologize before the thread spun back out of control. And besides, the Cheesewhiz thread was much more entertaining.

I remember bounce diving being mentioned and links given to reports of diver deaths due to bounce diving. May have been another thread? It was a while back.
got a link to the cheese wiz thread? I missed it
got a link to the cheese wiz thread? I missed it

I just did a search and nothing came up. PM Frank and see if he remembers.
got a link to the cheese wiz thread? I missed it

How do you go to a thread a moderator pulled?

I don't know but its original title was "Looking for GUE-F+ trained diver"

I did the spoof that night, "Looking for F.U.N. trained diver" thread. My original post was almost word for word Sherman's post except nothing real in my post.

The reason I did not let up, with TexDiveGuy, Ian, John, Chrispete and we just morphed off into a hilarous thread. One of the reasons for this post gone wild was that I had no idea about anything associated with DIR. So I personally asked questions with no answers, went to web and starting expounding on what I found.

For some reason Sherman aka HUE did not speak up and provide any clear information on the GUE thing, the HUE thing or -F+ certifications. So the thread ran wild and I think Sherman thought at the time we were pummeling him. That wasn't the case in the swamp.

Since then some folks seem to have a rift, I am staying out of it. Sounds like personality conflicts to me. All is good in the diving world.

The coolest thing HUE made me do is to start to study this GUE/DIR diving principles and philosophies. Very interesting stuff. I actually have a lot more reading to do to get it all straight in my head.

I laughed so hard that night, it bust my gut on the original post.
How do you go to a thread a moderator pulled?

I don't know but its original title was "Looking for GUE-F+ trained diver"

I did the spoof that night, "Looking for F.U.N. trained diver" thread. My original post was almost word for word Sherman's post except nothing real in my post.

The reason I did not let up, with TexDiveGuy, Ian, John, Chrispete and we just morphed off into a hilarous thread. One of the reasons for this post gone wild was that I had no idea about anything associated with DIR. So I personally asked questions with no answers, went to web and starting expounding on what I found.

For some reason Sherman aka HUE did not speak up and provide any clear information on the GUE thing, the HUE thing or -F+ certifications. So the thread ran wild and I think Sherman thought at the time we were pummeling him. That wasn't the case in the swamp.

Since then some folks seem to have a rift, I am staying out of it. Sounds like personality conflicts to me. All is good in the diving world.

The coolest thing HUE made me do is to start to study this GUE/DIR diving principles and philosophies. Very interesting stuff. I actually have a lot more reading to do to get it all straight in my head.

I laughed so hard that night, it bust my gut on the original post.

DIR is actually VERY awsome and i beleive it would be more widely accepted if it were not from the attitudes of the ones pushing it.

When I first got interested in technical training I decided the first step for me was getting the gear down then training in it. At the time getting any kind of information on gear configuration local was impossible, no one would talk about anything until you slapped your plastic on the counter. Got the DIR books and videos, that changed everything.

If you can bother to sit through the DIR III video and listen you can learn a ton, its put together terribly but its full of good info.

I took what I liked about it and left the rest. A lot of instructors that are teaching technical courses teach some of the DIR stuff in their classes - because its good stuff.

you have to take DIR just like the internet, sift through the BS and take the good parts.
Holy Crap was that a year ago??? Time flies when you are having fun. Thanks fo posting the threads. I was able to copy that pictures of Echo and his ear chips. Funny stuff. Man Frank and I have gotten into it a few times. Well, I don't get my feelings hurt very often and when I do I let people know. I like the bantering, the arguing, the comaraderie, but then again I am twisted. I like the DIR way I just don't care for the elitist attitude. This going back and forth is nothing compared to the newsgroups like rec.scuba, if anyone remembers the old ways of conversing via the internet, pre-scubaboard popularity. Now that was rough and you had to have a really thick skin for that!
Hey Frank...:lotsalove:. Glad we could always entertain the readers!
All's well in Swampville!!! :)
Believe it or not,

But there is just a small bit of the world left beyond the borders of Texas.And there are a lot of people offended by the use of that term.If you don't have any clue on what they where, I suggest you take some history classes,just to find out.If you do know,well then I just pitty you.
Never the less the SB ToS is in place and prohibbits the use of the term.

Clearly your definition as a European is different from mine. Understandable, but not a reason to come down on a different use of the term.

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