Well arent you folks full of southern hospitality!
Its funny reading this stuff because of how off base you guys are concerning Sherman. Sherm is a NAUI Trimix instructor first and for most. Unlike a lot of you fine people he is open enough to steal what makes sense regardless of what acronym it comes from.
Sherm has been through one GUE course, DIR-f and he has done a lot of deco dives with Tech1/Cave2 trained divers. Imagine that, GUE trained tech divers diving with non-GUE trained tech divers. Rule #1 is "dont dive with unsafe divers", not "dont dive with non-GUE trained divers". He is open minded enough to see the advantage of unified team diving so he feels no constraints in passing that concept on to his NAUI trained students.
Sherman is a great person and instructor. He most defiantly doesnt fit the internet interpretation of some elite DIR diver that you guys seem gung-ho on perpetuating.
I on the other hand probably do fit that model so please feel free to flame me all you want. I am an a$$ so rail on me if it gets you off. Oh and Texas sucks!