Thanks for all the replies. I'll send you guys PM's.
K-valve, thanks for your feedback it has been noted. If I came across as rude, I apologize that was not my a matter of fact the only part that could be misconstrued as such was the "getting cavern trained in Lake Travis comment"..which, while partly an attempt at humor. Obviously....failed.
Shawn, thanks I'll keep your offer in mind next time I come down to TX to visit my family I would love to go dive with you. No, my name is not HUEI am just part of it.
Dang it!!!! I hate sticking my foot in my mouth and having to apologize, but that's just what I did over in the DIR Forum just now. It turns out Sherman (aka HUE) isn't such a bad guy after all.
I'm not apologizing to you though Shawny.