Your description of your skills/ training was probably insufficient for him to feel that you are a safe diver. I'm pretty sure that rule #1 referenced previously by Jeff is that they aren't supposed to dive with anyone who is not DIR trained.
<Quote://wiki quote: Another aspect of the dispute is that one of the rules of DIR diving is to not dive with anyone with a poor or unsafe attitude, sometimes referred to with the derogatory term "strokes".>
It was really nice of you to try to be friends, Shawn.

Two times I met people claiming to be DIR divers, one in Quarry in Illinois and the other was Windy Point Mexico. Both times I was taken back by their attitudes. You have enlightened me again. It's starting to make sense.
If this is their philosophy and attitude they are elites and not open to diver discretion or FUN diving. So much they are missing out on. I am so grateful we are open to all divers of all ages and skills and passions to see them succeed in the sport we all enjoy.