Really? I've read several articles from the DIR leadership. They talk a lot about their basic equipment philosophy and rarely give credit where credit is Bill Main. That may be because in the early years Bill M. disagreed with GI3's very narrow view of diving practices and ended his relationship with the group. I get the feeling that GI3 isn't all that understanding about such things.Well, I can't speak for the rest of the "DIR" crowd, but I get tired of the same old incorrect and unfounded anti-DIR rhetoric. Most of the time I don't say a thing, but when I do it's not because I am looking for an argument. Rather my only intent is to hopefully correct some of the seemingly never-ending and blatant misconceptions.

Then why bother posting? I'm not anti-DIR. I do get sick and tired of the arrogant DIR crowd that thinks it's their way or nothing. That attitude is flat out wrong and, unfortunately, fairly common (beginning with its founder). It is also why DIR catches as much flack as it does.I am not trying to change your mind or the other few folks who here who have posted even worse anti-DIR noise. I don't give a rats ass what you or they think about DIR.
Most of the people who are reading this thread are sticking to the OP's initial question and aren't whining about one statement made in a single post.I do however, care about the other 200-some people who have read this thread and are listening and possibly believing the BS.

I'm feel confident that I did provide correct information. The reg necklace was not an original DIR concept. I simply made the point that Bill Hogarth Main came up with the Hogarthian equipment concepts...not GI3, JJ or any of the other "founders" of DIR. Otherwise, I suppose we'd call it Georgian or something similar. I am quite sure that had GI3 come up with the equpment ideas himself he would have most certainly taken the credit.If you don't agree with DIR fine, but please do everyone else the courtesy of keeping quite unless you can actually provide some real and informed dialog as to why you don't like or agree with DIR. Making the same false statements that have been made countless times only shows your ignorance of the subject and further propagates the dissension.

As far as the Microsoft comparison goes. That is simply my opinion and last I checked I still lived in the USA where I am allowed to express my opinions freely. Of course, I'm not DIR trained. Otherwise I'd keep my mouth shut and walk and talk in lock step with the other DIR brethren.

I don't know...I'd have to know more about you before I'd dive deeper than 60' with you. You might not have your gear set up appropriately not use what I would consider a correct fin kick, wear too much black, or something...But besides all of this, I would still most likely want to dive with you and I am sure I could learn something from you. I would hope that you feel the same.