ankle weight question

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But nobody answered my original question: does relative muscle mass make a difference for floaty legs? It seems to me it might as muscle weighs more than fat. Am I thinking correctly?

In my experience, floaty ankles is more prevalant in the fairer sex... I don't have any opinion as to whether it's a physiological difference or something else, but certainly more muscle and less fat in the legs would have an effect. Most people I train who suffer from floaty ankles struggle with the fin pivots in shallow water and I resort to ankle weights to help them in the pool. Generally in deeper water, 10-12m where these people manage the skill admirably without ankle weights. It's certainly no barrier to getting out and doing some great dives.

The advice you've been given, such as shifting your tank lower on your back will help you come to terms with your ankles!! :wink:

Having quickly trawled through the thread, I have to agree with Walter in that I believe that ankle weights are unnecessary for everybody, but it does take training and practice. It's basically personal choice whether someone wants to use them or not...... heck, I wish someone would invent ankle floats a I've got the most dense ankles in the world and struggle to stay in trim when diving wet....!

For the ankle weight devotees, what would you do if you lost ankle weights during a dive? Probably more relevant to drysuit divers who use ankle weights to overcome too much air in the feet... I only ask, as when it's my turn to clean the pool I always end up pulling out a fair amount of lead shot from the bottom where peoples ankle weights are leaking....!
Talk about nuking something to death. Some of you guys are to smart for your own good. If you can't change socks without having to add or subtract weight to stay in trim, you have bigger issues.
I'll have to agree with Jeff on this one for sure. Take him up on his offer.
What's the difference between negatively buoyant fins like the Jets and neutral or positively buoyant fins with ankle weights ?

If the weight in each case summed up the same, any differences would probably be negligible. You could theorize that ankle weights might disrupt you hydrodynamic flow a tiny bit more, although if anything the difference would probably be felt in the fact that the negatively bouyant fins are distributing the same weight over a larger area and also a bit further out from the fulcrum on your two levers. I'd guess it would be a personal preference as to which would feel better.

Not trying to stir ***** up, but it's funny that a lot of the anti ankle weight people are tech divers that use Jets.
Not trying to stir ***** up, but it's funny that a lot of the anti ankle weight people are tech divers that use Jets.

I don't use either, and I'm not a tech diver, but I think there would be more hypocrisy here if the techies liked jets because they're heavy. Presumably though they choose jets because they like the way they handle, the thrust they can get from those big stiff fins, rather than because they need the weight to keep their feet down.
Jason B:
Talk about nuking something to death. Some of you guys are to smart for your own good. If you can't change socks without having to add or subtract weight to stay in trim, you have bigger issues.
I'll have to agree with Jeff on this one for sure. Take him up on his offer.
I think it would really help CIBDiving, if he took a DIR-f class to clear up these misconceptions he has about diving.
I think it would really help CIBDiving, if he took a DIR-f class to clear up these misconceptions he has about diving.

I think it would help a lot of people, particularly you Jeff, to dive more than you talk and regurgitate your DIR BS. Think for yourself man, it will bring you freedom.

How do we ankle weight, multiple reel, multiple slate, multiple cutting tool, deco bottle carrying divers keep up with the aces like you Jeff? How on earth do we surface with the same amount of remaining air, apparently not exhausted from all the gear we've had to push through the water? What a mystery.......

I think it would help a lot of people, particularly you Jeff, to dive more than you talk and regurgitate your DIR BS. Think for yourself man, it will bring you freedom.

How do we ankle weight, multiple reel, multiple slate, multiple cutting tool, deco bottle carrying divers keep up with the aces like you Jeff? How on earth do we surface with the same amount of remaining air, apparently not exhausted from all the gear we've had to push through the water? What a mystery.......

Did I hit too close to the truth for you?
Did I hit too close to the truth for you?

It's for you to explain, with your 'little demeanor' (which would obviously disappear in a flash if you were speaking to someone face to face), the mystery I described above Jeff.

Let's hear it.....How do we do it, as I described above, contrary to all the information you posted here?

We're waiting......

So the DIR bomb drops! :peepwalla :bigun2:

I'm sure this will get us all together for a group hug. While we're at it lets debate abortion and Chevy vs Ford. I'm not a DIR devotee, but I have great respect for their emphasis on skill development. I also firmly believe in different strokes for different folks (which is why I said earlier that if ankle weights work for you then great). But in no case is there an excuse to stop learning and improving.
It's for you to explain, with your 'little demeanor' (which would obviously disappear in a flash if you were speaking to someone face to face), the mystery I described above Jeff.

Let's hear it.....How do we do it, as I described above, contrary to all the information you posted here?

We're waiting......

Everything I talked about had nothing to do with DIR. You are the one that brought that up.

I never said you couldn't do it (use ankle weights). All I said is that you don't need them.

If that is to confusing for you, I could try it again by speaking slower.

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