Yep this was me years ago, the moment the regional GUE guru tore off my heathenous hip weight pockets (from Halcyon, with the special D ring, no less) at the start of a course to "streamline the rig"View attachment 860286
• the forces from CoL and CoG are no longer balanced because the bubble moves forwards the divers feet as they flatten out, I’m a dry suit gas starts to move to the feet exaggerating this effect. Thus resulting in the head dropping due to static imbalance.
View attachment 860288
• This diagram represents the other position of static stability where the CoG is directly below the CoL.
• In a dry suit this likely ends up with the diver hanging by their boots as the dry suit bubble shifts.
Then promptly criticized "you're too head down" on the dive without doing anything else to help (had to discover the v pouch tricks on my own)
Oh the countless hours of back kicking in formation, elegantly twiddling valves that almost never in reality get twiddled