A If a diver’s trim is head-up, it’s often due to being "head-heavy." The solution is to move some weight down toward their feet.B is the same meaning as A/C, but with the opposite phrasing. B says adding weight down low helps. C says adding weight higher up hurts. They all implicitly assume being head heavy when horizontal, which leads to the diver compensating by going head-up (which better aligns the centers of lift & mass).
B If your head starts to drop, you need to move weight toward your feet.
C If you misdiagnose the problem and keep adding weight higher on the diver, you’ll only make them more head-up in the water.
A and C say head-up, add weight low
B says head-down add weight low (assuming "head-down" and "head-dropping" are the same thing)
Sorry, but I'm still not seeing how these are the same when they both say move weight low.