2009 SB Fitness Exercise Challenge!!!

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Thursday 6/25 PM Ugh. Later night at the office than I had anticipated and so I couldn't make the group exercise class that I was 'looking forward' to trying. I really was hoping to do it but have a minor fear about group exercise and looking like a bafoon. So, the hubby and I decided to go for a nice long walk at the beach here in San Francisco. Approximately 2.5 miles. Followed up by 30 minutes of pilates DVD at home - abs, butt and thighs - oh my.
It just seemed right to put that in there. :)

Friday 6/26 AM- Elliptical (48 minutes) - 3.6 miles and just over 500 calories. ARH 136. Tired, but will do resistance tonight. This weekend we are going to VEGAS and I am not sure how the diet will fare, but I hope to at least get in some swimming or, if the hotel has a gym, get down there in the mornings. No high hopes, but I will try. :)
Tonight was our second visit with the USAW coach at the Cincinnati Weightlifting Club to learn the Olympic lifts. We continued to work on skills related to the Snatch movement. Tonight’s skills focused more (for me) on shoulder positioning and keeping the core tight and trying to maintain active arms during the pull.

It was plenty hot and humid in the gym, so we were dripping all over the bar and drenched by the time we left, but admittedly, it felt pretty danged good. Other than a bit of frustration in not getting some positioning and timing right, I like working on the movements. Already, I’m feeling the results of holding new positions in my legs, back, shoulders, and arms…. just not used to holding and achieving certain movements yet, but it will come!!
That's really awesome WB. Admittedly, I love a good sweat. I like knowing how much my body is working. I just finished doing some resistance training at home. 30 minutes, which was upper body, back and lunges. I am beat.
Did a 4 dive charter yesterday and today I'm feeling great!
You know where :wink:
Tonight was more Oly Weightlifting skills practice at the Cincinnati Weightlifting Club.

The first half of practice, I focused on Overhead squats with a tight core/back arch, good shoulder/hand positioning, nice upright back. I have some inflexible ankles right now, so by slipping a small weight under each heel, I can get the positioning a lot better.

The 2nd half of practice was spent working on the bottom of the snatch, from the top down. So I did some “jump” shrugs… not jumps really, but just “driving through the heels” and imparting some momentum to the bar. Next, the “Snatch Deadlift” position. This differs from what I’m used to with the “Powerlifting Deadlift” start position. The knees get spread more at the bottom, and rather than the vertical shins I’m used to, the shins go a bit more over the bar with the butt closer to the ground. I guess it makes sense… the Snatch is a great deal less weight coming off the ground than what someone’s Deadlift PR would be.

The technical nuances of the lift are way beyond anything I’ve yet encountered since getting into barbell lifting about 6 months ago. I’m starting to see why I’ve read that someone never perfects the Snatch or Clean & Jerk, they just keep practicing the lifts and cleaning up their technique.
Good stuff! I like the focus needed so far!

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