2009 SB Fitness Exercise Challenge!!!

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500m row
1 Round of:
GHD Back Extensions (10 reps)
GHD Situps (10 reps)
Overhead Squats (10 reps)
Ring Rows (10 reps)

Skill Development:
5 step Snatch progression
Worked on Overhead Squats some more. Definitely seeing a big improvement in these as my hip flexors and shoulders are getting stretched out better!

Workout of the Day (WOD): (Scaled)
"Joshie" (a Hero workout named after a soldier that fell in Afghanistan)
3 Rounds of:
21 Snatches (Bob 45# Barbell; Penny 20# Barbell)
21 Jumping Pullups
Bob's Time: 9:06
Penny's Time: 10:20

Penny practiced L-sit progressions between two benches, and I held L-sits on the Rings and then the Pullup bar 30 seconds at a time for a couple of times each.

This was the first time we did a CrossFit workout together, so I know that my time was a lot better with her there pushing me than it would have been had I been with a group of strangers. Knowing how close she was, I stayed fairly anaerobic on the last round, something I definitely wouldn't have done on my own. Nice job baby! You did great and motivated the hell out of me!
5 minute warm-up rowing (1100m)
2 sets of pull-ups
2 sets of dips
2 sets of bench press
2 sets of tricep extensions
2 mile run
Last Night

Push Jerk (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) (1 rep max repeated 7 times)

Tried these at home and pretty much sucked.

90, 110, 130, 140, 160F, 150F (partial), 150F

These explosive movements are my bane? so much to still learn....
10 Deep squats

60′ walking lunge
21 ring rows (steep angle)
21 sit-ups
60′ walking lunge
18 ring rows (steep angle)
18 sit-ups
60′ walking lunge
15 ring rows (steep angle)
15 sit-ups
60′ walking lunge
12 ring rows (steep angle)
12 sit-ups
60′ walking lunge
9 ring rows (steep angle)
9 sit-ups
60′ walking lunge
6 ring rows (steep angle)
6 sit-ups

Time: 9:41

Wasn't sure on best scaling on this, so went with 60′. In retrospect, I probably should have started with the Rx'd 100′ and scaled back on subsequent lunges as necessary.
Still at it Bob....

Still averaging 30-45minutes daily on the elliptical... had some wavy\spring washers break, so I had to order a box from mcmaster... Was making a few other noises, something was rubbing to the back cowling... so I just removed it... a little quieter. That and I picked up a few long headphone cables so I can jam w/o annoying my neighbors...

ok.. am gettin committed!
am aiming for a 10lb change (gained 16 Thanksgiving thru Christmas)
yesterday did 1 hour in the kyack
today did a 5 mile walk this am, tonight am recovering
hope to dive tomorrow (2tanks)

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