2009 SB Fitness Exercise Challenge!!!

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Monday 6/22 AM: Elliptical (31 minutes), 2.37 miles and approximately 360 calories. Followed by stretching. AHR 135.

Yesterday I took a day of rest from the gym. I was going to swim laps but had issues with my id at the pool so I didn't. It felt good, however, to rest for the day.
Update workout from last week -

6/17 no workout - drove to Empire Scuba in Redlands to do ScubaFit presentation - 3 new FitDiver members from their club the Bottom Scratchers. Great question and answer.

6/18 Back and Biceps workout with machines and cable stations. Also did a few deadlifts for fun.

6/19 Had a great Father's Day weekend. Drove to Ventura to visit Xtreme Scuba, purchased a couple of Fourth Element long sleeve thermocline tops, then drove to Malibu for lunch at Paradise Cove. Long car drive, so we walked on the beach after lunch.

6/20 Elliptical 10-minutes (5 forward and 5 backward) at 4 mets. Treadmill 15-minutes at incline of 15 working from 2 mph to 3 mph without holding on. Recumbant Bike 10-minutes above 80 rpms. Swimming pool to help hubby with shoulder rehab.

To answer the question about exercise and diving - there a couple of studies about the benefits of aerobic exercise before diving reducing risk of DCS. If I remember correctly, one mentions four hours and another 12 hours before diving. Based on my research, at ScubaFit I recommend "no exercise after diving for 24 hours" and "exercise (aerobic and strength training) at least two times and hopefully four each week starting three-months prior and up to the day before diving activity."

Here is a link to a DAN article that discusses the subject. If I were you, I would look at a couple more studies until you find the answer for yourself.
DAN Divers Alert Network
With the “CrossFit-lite” that we’ve been doing, an Achille’s heel of ours is the Weightlifting (e.g. Clean and Jerk, and Snatch). They are so technique oriented that it is tough for us to manage on our own (unlike powerlifting which involves slower movements), so on the recommendation of others, we sought out some local coaching.

Monday night was our first workout with the local Olympic weightlifting coach at the Cincinnati Weightlifting club #1822 over in Fairfield, not all that far away from us. We spent the time working on various skills and positions as precursors to the lifts. It was amazing that even though we’ve been exercising vigorously for the past 6 months doing squats, etc, we were still quite sore in the shoulders, low back, and even most surprisingly, our hip flexors. Heck, we can do squats now until the cows come home, but fine tuning our position for some of the technical intricacies of the lifts had us working muscles in ways we hadn’t been accustomed to…. yowsa!!
Some of the skills we worked:

  • Focus on “stretching/pulling” the bar “like it’s taffy” for stronger shoulder support and lockout rather than just “shrugging” the bar and losing the benefit/support of the skeletal system.
  • Foot/Knee squat positioning… needed some tweaking
  • Back/Butt positioning… my lower back and hamstrings need to continue to be stretched to get good positioning
  • “Good Mornings” for positioning and hamstring stretch in one of the middle “pull” positions.
  • Upright rows tweaked for the final shrug/pull position
  • Foot positioning from the jump to the “squat-under”
  • Snatch-balance squats
  • Behind the neck push presses (fine tuned bar travel also).
  • Accommodations to work around stiff ankles until they stretch out more (e.g. heel on plywood for higher angle, giving me a more upright back angle)
  • Overhead Squat positioning (Due to lack of flexibility, I still lean over too far and compensate by having the bar too far back to keep it over my knees).
  • “Goblet Squats” and “Potatoe squats” to work on upright back positioning in the squat (using a dumbbell)
And I think there were other things we discussed/worked on too, but I was on info-overload. Even though I’ve been reviewing video, reading, and doing some of this for the past 6 months, it’s amazing how much I’ve yet to learn.

Chris has a great demeanor and coaching style that works well for us….. low key… understands the limitations of older participants and intermediate accommodations…. and communication/humor that works well for both of us. He wanted to know what our intentions were regarding weightlifting (e.g. hone technique, serious lifting, etc). We admitted that we are continuing with CrossFit-style workouts, but are intrigued by the weightlifting too, so we’d like to see where we can go with it. There are upcoming Weightlifting meets, the next July 18th in Sandusky, so he encouraged us to consider doing that to get our feet wet. I seriously doubt we’ll have any semblance of form/technique by then, but since I sat through a Meet a few weeks ago, I understand that most of the pressure will be self-induced no matter how “good” we get at this. lol

Great start and we’re looking forward to more torture from Chris on Friday!
Awesome WB416! I am looking into the possibility of getting a personal trainer to learn the ropes on proper equipment use and training. For the meantime, however, I am following my cardio.

Tuesday 6/23 AM - Elliptical (43 minutes), 3.36 miles and just over 500 calories. ARH 139. Felt good to push myself on the time and I was pretty exhausted when I crawled home from the gym. :) I have not been doing any resistance training at night and hope to get back on that 'train' this evening. So far I have dropped 8 pounds though, so I am pretty stoked. That being said - I am getting sooo tired of chicken breast. I just try to eat fish according to the Seafood Watch Guide (Seafood Watch Program - A Consumer's Guide to Sustainable Seafood | Monterey Bay Aquarium) which can make finding acceptable fish difficult.
Sarita... building a good cardio foundation is certainly helpful to anything else you choose to pursue!


We attempted to do a relaxing bike ride down the Little Miami Trail. While for the most part is was, it’s always tough to hold Penny back, even when she’s tired and needs to go easy. “Pedal ’til you bonk” is her motto!!
I did manage to persuade her to make multiple stops and stretches so that any other workouts this week would not be hindered by what was supposed to be our easy ride tonight. I knew my seat was still adjusting to the saddle this year… in fact, the new bib shorts are padded differently and I’m still making a major adjustment to them.

We headed down to Loveland, and then beyond to Branch Hill Road. It was a fun ride, with a few spurts of spunk from Penny, especially at the end when she made me go 22 miles per hour against my will to keep up with her… lol. Evenso, it was a great 25 mile ride as we continue to build saddle time this year.
Thats what I need to do is more cardio.

Anyways, today did a three tank dive as my exercise. First and second dive was with twin HP100 and the third was a single tank.

Unfortunately, I spoiled myself and went to eat...clam chowder, ugh, now I'm going to feel that tomorrow. Good thing though, it was the only thing I ate, but wish I didn't give in to temptation.
Indulging can be okay sometimes, so long as it is not a habit and you do some extra exercise around it.

This evening I did some resistance training at home. Squats and upper body. Followed by 30 minutes of pilates. Total workout time - 50 minutes. Estimate calories at about 350.
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Wednesday 6/24 AM - Elliptical (33 minutes), 2.55 miles and approximately 400 calories. ARH 137. Felt really tired this am after the resistance trng/pilates last night.
Given the way this week was going, and the easy 25 mile bike ride yesterday, I opted for a heavy day, and chose Deadlift 1RM (1 rep maximum). I’m figuring this should work well given tomorrow will be a “sprint” workout day, and then Friday will be with the Olympic Weightlifting coach again.

2 Rounds
250m Row, 10 GHD Back Extensions, 10 GHD Situps, 10 Squats, 10 pullups

Deadlifts 1RM (Previous Best 365#)
165 x 5
255 x 2
305 x 1
355 x 1
370 x 1 PR

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