DIR- Generic Why use GUE nitrox only

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EAN32 could be used as a deco gas @ ppO2 of 1.6atm as deep as ~40 metres or ~130 feet.

(1.6atm /0.32 - 1atm) * 10m/atm = 40m

Typically not recommended for general diving.

I actually just wrote a blog post about nitrox, not claiming it's completely accurate, but I hope someone will find it at least somewhat unique and entertaining

The title of the thread is.....Why Use GUE Nitrox Only?

So is it OK for a GUE diver to use PADI or NAUI Nitrox?
because it's team diving, and standardizing gases for depth ranges allow the team procedures to work.

Air is always the wrong mix. You're better off increasing your PPO2 to reduce inert gas loading, and then adding helium to reduce END and Gas Density.
Suppose you intend making a first dive (i.e., a non-repetitive dive). Then:

1. Assuming a normal, leisurely U/W finning RMV of 0.45 cu ft per min (say), how long will a full HP100 (102 cu ft @ 3,500 psig) last you at 50 fsw?

2. A 50 fsw dive using air has NDL = ??? min

3. A 50 fsw dive using EAN32 has NDL = ??? min. (Use END calculation.)

Someone already mentioned that the real benefit of using EAN32 (instead of air) for a 50 fsw dive is realized with the repetitive dive.

OK, I will play, better than scanning the posts in the PUB.

1. Your dive time will be about 79 min depending on what you use for your reserve pressure.

2 and 3. It depends on what decompression algorithm you use. Here is Buhlmann GF high 75-95 to give a spectrum


What exactly is the point here? The average diver may have an RMV above 0.45 cu ft/min and this example may not apply.

So, depending on your deco algorithm, your NDL on air may be less than your dive time. Of course, many divers rent AL80s rather than HP steel 100s.

I do a lot of diving in SE Florida, Boynton Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach. All the operators have somewhat loose total dive times from the low 50s to 60 min. We do not adhere to GUE standards, 36% is commonly used on the shallower reefs less than 95 feet, NDL is generally not applicable. The concept of repetitive dives is a good one. Our SIs are generally around 45 min between dive 1&2, 3&4, usually about a 2 hour lunch break. Despite diving 36%, I am able to push the NDL on 4 dives per day and occasionally do light deco.

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