Why the dislike of air integrated computers?

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Very sad that such a thread would generate 8 pages in just a few days. It really is no one else' business except the owning diver.

The original poster asked a very specific question.. about why some divers don't like air integrated computers.

If you don't want to read the answers to that question, why did you click on the link?
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I'm a recent AI convert so let me clarify some points from MY perspective


Guilty: When I first got my AI I chose to keep my SPG hooked up as a comfort blanket in the same way as when people get a replacement PDC they generally dive with their old one for a few dives. GIven I already have my SPG and I'm too lazy to hunt out a port plug from my (large) stash of spares it stays. It does get used as I've said before when assembling the kit to check the air fill. By habit I look at it when doing breath checks just before jumping.

Do I need it - No. actually I'm inclined to use a button gauge on my first stage - but that means going to the store to buy one. having my old SPG attached does no harm and isn't in the way.

I have my TX on a flexible hose with a Scubapro quick release - it prevents the TX being used as a hand hold, and comes off when I break my gear down or post dive on a congested dive deck

AI fixed a problem which doesn't exist.

Nope. AI adds a Convenience it is more convenient for me to look at my wrist than unclip my SPG. Actually I used to just look down at my SPG - older eyes and all that mean really close up numbers are blurred.

As a bonus the screen on my PDC is easier to read in dark conditions (OLED) so no shining a torch at the spg to get it to glow and read (Old eye thing again)

It's more convenient for me to look at my wrist when hanging on to a rock in a fast current, its more convenient for me to look at my wrist when I have both hands occupied with my camera etc, etc

I don't consciously check my air - I know from experience from my dive time what my air is - unless with a new buddy and they ask my air (of me them) Being on my wrist and checking depth I subconsciously take in my tank pressure. My PDC displays graphics as well as numbers, my brain sees the numbers rather than the graphics - personal.

My PDC has lots of other data I don't use, I don't monitor my SAC I'm huge believer in a big tank (15l) so never run short within stipulated 60min dive time (Caveat - my wife dives a 12l so we end up with a similar tank pressure at the end of a dive hence cylinder choice). I don't bother with the gas remaining (time to die) indeed All I want to know is My depth, NDL, next deep stop and gas.

That said I do look at the data post dives out of interest more than anything. My wife has the same computer and couldn't care less about the additional data.

​Other examples of convenience/ fixing problems that don't exist

Electric windows on a car - what's wrong with mechanical winders?

Automatic gearboxes. Possibly the best example - A manual will always be better and a human can predict the road better then a computer (and before than, mechanical, vacuum and hydraulics devices). Automatic gearboxes only have benefit in top sports when 1/10 second can make a difference. Even then they are not automatics of old but robotic manuals with overrides (paddle shifts)

Yet the US took to the Auto gearbox very early on - with its torque convertors having huge power losses, and devices to replicate badly a human. Only now in Europe are Automatic gear boxes becoming popular and only because the emissions testing is biased towards auto boxes, thus these cars attract lower taxes and are perceived to be better - until the downer realises they can't achieve the manufactures fuel consumption figures.

People having kit to suit their diving.

I dive in the open ocean in a place that has fast unpredictable currents thus I carry 3 x DSMB, 2 x reels, a strobe, a buddy line (John line?) a lift bag etc etc. If you're diving in a quarry do you need similar? Of course not.

Cave and Tech divers adopted the long hose? Do recreational divers with direct access to the surface need one. of course not. Does anyone here disparage the use of long hose? No. The same with Pony bottles. Does a recreational diver with a buddy need a pony? Nope - again people chose to invest in one for their type of diving and come up with reasons to justify the purchase.


Covered many times before. Owners of newer models don't' have issues. Lots of anecdotal stories of failures from non owners.


Cannot be justified with the exception of I want one! In the same way Car manufacturers produces lots of models with lots of trim levels - the base model of a type (saloon, hatchback pick up SUV) will all do the same as their top of the range model. But people choose to have the best they can afford?.

Personal prejudice.

Applies to all kit, whether AI, PDC vs tables/bottom timer, Splits vs paddles, Jackets vs wings. I personally dislike AL cylinders. No-one has ever convinced me that a cylinder that holds less gas, has huge buoyancy swings and weighs more than an equivalent steel is a good thing - yet they are the most prevalent because they are cheap and stand up to abuse. No amount of conversation will ever persuade me to willingly dive an AL cylinder - but that doesn't mean you are wrong to.

Similarly A clamps vs Din No contest yet people choose to buy A clamp.

The SB effect.

If you listen to SB opinions you may believe that the Shearwater Petral is the market leading computer. While I have no doubt it's a great bit of kit and value for money (if you're willing to spend that cash) I would submit that the market leader on sales volume (after all it's sales volume that manufacturers seek) is something like the Suunto Zoop etc. In the same way that BCD's are more prevalent to BP/W.

Also SB is a VERY US centric site your gear choices and indeed dive destinations are different from other places Europe for instance vies the Red Sea as you view Bonaire or Coz and thus what works for one person does not work for another (type of diving, access to brands so on and so forth)

The OP asked (as an AI owner) why SB hated them - those using AI merely countered the negatives from their experience. If we all had the same tastes in things, whether it be Dive equipment, cars, clothes or food, the world would be a very boring place
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Good post. For me it is the opposite situation. Started with AI and converted to SPG. Why you ask? Because when in Egypt, they hauled my gear in the RIB while holding on to my AI transmitter. The transmitter did not like that very much/broke down. I don't feel the need spending that amount of cash on a new transmitter that is not usefull to me.

I pretty much looked more on my SPG than my computer for air consumption because while it was still working already. The Suunto air usage prediction algorithm/instant measurement started to get on my nerves very much. Btw, the whole Suunto computer started to get on my nerve so I switched to a Petrel :D So this decision means no AI and I am happy with my SPG.

By no means I condem or despise other people for wanting AI. It is convinient if you like it. It's a nuisance if you don't like it. Thats the way it is. No right, no wrong.
I think people's preference also can change over time. I started with wireless AI. It was cool. I didn't buy it if I didn't want it. Then I prefer not to have it. Unfortunately, buying dive gears are not like cars, TVs, audio system, electronics .. .. where you can easily get a test "drive" of the items, or even returning it after buying. We just have to buy the item we think we like and figure it out later, to keep or to resell. If you think AI is what you don't, don't let anyone stop you from trying.
Well, if an SPG can blow, why can't a transmitter? (that is sometimes placed on a hose as well)
Time it takes is about 5 minutes IIRC for a full tank, so it can get you in trouble easily if you're at the end of your bottom time if you're diving without redundancy.

As for pairing with another transmitter, 30 divers on a boat, let's say there's a bunch of lazy people leaving 0000 as code, I'm fairly sure there's now a chance to pair with the wrong one. In fact, Suunto themselves state it in their user manual.

If an SPG blows the only reason you will abort your dive is that you can't read your pressure. That hole is really small.
That's not the way it works at all.

The Transmitter has a serial number assigned to it. You can't change it. You could have 50 people on the boat all diving the same brand computer/transmitter, it wouldn't matter, what you propose can't happen.
Well, if an SPG can blow, why can't a transmitter? (that is sometimes placed on a hose as well)
Time it takes is about 5 minutes IIRC for a full tank, so it can get you in trouble easily if you're at the end of your bottom time if you're diving without redundancy.

As for pairing with another transmitter, 30 divers on a boat, let's say there's a bunch of lazy people leaving 0000 as code, I'm fairly sure there's now a chance to pair with the wrong one. In fact, Suunto themselves state it in their user manual.
Oceanic has serial numbers that are used. It can't be done on an oceanic computer.

My apologies for being wrong.

Sunnto have now changed the system with Eon - like the Oceanic their Pods (how they refer to the Eon TX) are via serial number I presume they will roll it downwards as each old model gets replaced
Well, looking at the members currently watching this thread confirms something I read: People argue most about the things that matter least.

What the hell happened to this thread?

---------- Post added July 7th, 2015 at 03:38 PM ----------

If you like AI, get one and dive with it. If you don't like AI, ignore it. I'm very happy with what I do, I hope you are too

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