The Most Important Tech for Divers in 2024: Any Other Thoughts?

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Sadly no progress to replace my jetfins :crying::crying::crying: I want my talking and walking embedded AI solar powered fins with built-in DPV that can get on my feet by themselves…

Don't forget about the gill implantation. I hear doctors will be releasing it at the next DEMA show.

OC and CC diving will be a thing of the past and will pair well with the AI solar powered jetfins
This post reads like it was AI-written, with numerous substantive errors. At the very least, it needs editing and curating.

I ran it through an AI checker:


@Helmica if you want to contribute, please actually put your own effort in and create something originally instead of spewing garbage through AI generators.
Enhanced Breathing Systems

Breathing apparatus advancements are crucial for safety and extended dive durations.

  • Hollis Prism 2 Rebreather
    • Features: Advanced electronics, efficient gas recycling, extended dive times.
  • Aqua Lung i450T Dive Computer with Comms
    • Features: Integrated voice communication capabilities, seamless underwater communication.
  • Poseidon SE7EN Rebreather
    • Features: Reliable, advanced safety features, automated monitoring, optimal gas mixture adjustments.
Hahaha! Not sure how the Prism II made the list for important tech diver tech of 2024. A: It was out in 2012 I believe. B: Based on my experience seeing others diving them you’d have to pay me a lot to dive that unit. Its plastic housing was getting caught on parts of the bench and popping off when they were getting up and sitting down. On the trip, out of the four divers using them zero were able dive the 2nd day because of maintenance issues.
I don’t want to get into fatalities on the unit since we rarely get anything more than speculation as to whether the unit or the diver was a fault.
Hahaha! Not sure how the Prism II made the list for important tech diver tech of 2024. A: It was out in 2012 I believe. B: Based on my experience seeing others diving them you’d have to pay me a lot to dive that unit. Its plastic housing was getting caught on parts of the bench and popping off when they were getting up and sitting down. On the trip, out of the four divers using them zero were able dive the 2nd day because of maintenance issues.
I don’t want to get into fatalities on the unit since we rarely get anything more than speculation as to whether the unit or the diver was a fault.
Don't take his "article" seriously.

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