Guys on this forum gave me a tough time on my first thread about bp/w vs trad. . When i told them i got the Zeagle 911 they almost killed me! It's a little overkill but i put a factory backplate in it for a twinset and it works great....<TG>...as if this hasn't been beaten to death ...
Why Backplate and Wing? - BP/Wing vs Jacket BC
This video aims to help viewers evaluate the benefits of backplate and wing BC system. Retrace the rationale for my evolution from Jacket BC to Backplate and wing. Emphasis on the benefits of each system, how these systems affect trim and buoyancy control. Nety up will be a similar video: Why long hose?
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People that dive the hydros swear by it, but for me it goes directly to the traveling diver. I tried on the hydros pro on at Divers Direct and it wasn't that comfortable tbh. I have a scubapro lite hawk which is much better suited for traveling. For deeper, longer, and wreck dives i want the magnum of bcd's, Zeagle 911.
unwieldy,a little
requires at sh*t load of lead,2x normal amount
does it pack a punch,of course
holds 3 dive reels,any day
badass,well thats for you to answer.....