What happened to Thanks?

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I don't have a dog in this fight. I don't care if the thanks count comes back or stays away. I never paid it much attention anyway. I don't think a high thanks count gives anyone credibility. Others do. They have a right to use whatever means they please to make those value judgments.

I do think the reasons given are contrived. I've never seen the thanks count cause any problems and I've certainly never seen it destroy a thread. I have seen a few folks thank others for useless posts, but who cares? These are the same people who try to set records with the number of "friends" they have on ScubaBoard. Will the friends feature be disabled next?

I'm open minded enough to believe it when I'm told, "it caused a lot of problems that weren't obvious from the outside looking in." If that's true, tell us the problems. I'm not asking anyone to reveal what someone else said in the back room, just explain the problems.

I'm cynical enough to wonder what's being hidden when I hear, "I can only ask that you trust me when I say..." Seems fishy to me, although I do trust the person who said it, I don't trust that type of statement from anyone.

don't understand why some members feel that they (staff members) should be obligated to explain in detail exactly what all of the issues were or why they came to the decisions they did.

Pete owns this board and can make just about any decision he wants about just about anything concerning it. He has no obligation to explain his reasons. On the other hand, he usually does not take that approach. He tries to be open about his decisions. He tries to get feedback from members. He tries to make us feel like this board belongs to the members as much as to him. If he wants to continue along those lines, explaining these types of decisions would be helpful.
A good example of how the Thanks button can be used in place of Thanks-posting, but sometimes we like to say Thanks twice, huh? :wink:

I was making a point of some kind Don :chuckle:...but yes, when the topic is so silly and sophomoric (IMHO) and the post is so good, 2 Thanksare in order!!!
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Thanks button is still there, thanks count is in everyone's statistics, I fail to see what the problem is here. Or do some people just need to bitch about something constantly?
Just learned something about the Thanksbutton. If you edit your post after a thanks has been given, the thanks disappear!! Just made a grammatical correction and POOF they were gone!!! I do suppose that can be a good thing!
Just learned something about the Thanksbutton. If you edit your post after a thanks has been given, the thanks disappear!! Just made a grammatical correction and POOF they were gone!!! I do suppose that can be a good thing!

They are still there. Just hit refresh
A good example of how the Thanks button can be used in place of Thanks-posting, but sometimes we like to say Thanks twice, huh? :wink:

Yeah - that's always the way I saw it. More efficient to just add a "Thanks" (when the occasion warranted) rather than generate a separate posting. I never imagined that something as innocuous as that (the button) could become an mechanism for abusive, ulterior motives.
I do think the reasons given are contrived. I've never seen the thanks count cause any problems and I've certainly never seen it destroy a thread.


If he wants to continue along those lines, explaining these types of decisions would be helpful.

That's because you don't see the reported posts. Whether you've seen it or not, there have been numerous incidents where someone makes a post that's rude, condescending or insulting to another user and then a dozen people thank them for it and it ends up inciting a flame war. It still happens without the Thanks, but it seems to be worse whenever they are encouraged by being thanked for doing so. You don't have to accept the reasoning, you don't have to believe the reasoning, but these types of reported posts are exactly what led to the actions that were taken. I would tell you to take my word for it, but we know how you feel about that. :)

There were explanations and discussions in the various threads about it at the time. Pete also apologized in one of those thread for misunderstanding the consensus and acting out of turn when he killed it.
Clearly, I lead a sheltered life on the Coz board where we all more or less seem to get along. I am glad we don't have to discuss how we discuss our discussions all the time on the Coz board. Everyone seems to get testy about it. Of course, I guess something about this has been going on and on someplace else which probably explains those who seem a little tired of it.

That being said and even though I think the thanks could be useful, maybe someone should move this thread outta Mexico to some board in a not-so-nice neighborhood. Is there a deport button?

Clearly, I lead a sheltered life on the Coz board where we all more or less seem to get along. I am glad we don't have to discuss how we discuss our discussions all the time on the Coz board. Everyone seems to get testy about it. Of course, I guess something about this has been going on and on someplace else which probably explains those who seem a little tired of it.

That being said and even though I think the thanks could be useful, maybe someone should move this thread outta Mexico to some board in a not-so-nice neighborhood. Is there a deport button?

I thot about requesting a move, but another Coz-only member would eventually ask. Let's leave it to die here...

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