What happened to Thanks?

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You guys need to ****ing get out more. If the thanks situation rates as serious for anybody then the have led a terribly sheltered life under a rock. There is a big mean ( but fun if you remove the pickle from your ???) world out there.

Agreed - and that goes for the people that have their panties in a wad because they now have to click someone's profile to see that thanks count someone has - WHO CARES how many thanks someone gives or receives? Really? This topic is about as juvenile as they come and I feel sorry for the mods having to deal with it.
That would not seem to be related to the thanks count, but to the ability to thank (which is still available). What am I missing?

You're missing the fact that the ability to thank posts was completely revoked because of that. I'm guessing you missed all the discussions in Site Support when that happened? If so, I'll be glad to post links to the threads for you. Because the overwhelming number of users wanted the Thanks back, and the deletion of it wasn't the consensus to begin with, it was reinstalled and any offending posts were dealt with individually.

When the Thanks Hack was reinstalled, the counters on the posts were left out and the number of thanks per day was limited to deal with the secondary issue. I know you're aware of that one, because you posted a thread about it which I responded to.
I had the exact same thought.

Would you like the exact same answer I just gave Walter? :)
Weird, I missed that you could still click and see a user's thanks on their profile. That make this whole discussion the more esoteric.
Of course, I guess that means if you know your way around, you can check and see the thanks count to judge a poster, but you probably already know. If you are new to SB, you probably won't see it even though it might mean something to you.
As a guy who has only been on here a couple years, Christi's and Dave's thanks count lead me to pay more attention to what they had to say BEFORE I knew just who they were. Now I know enough to respect their opinions based on my knowledge of them and their experience. So while I agree with Christi that the argument is excessive, I don't agree that thanks were useless.

Gee, I hope you're happy... Look now I went back to the crack house even though I really don't care that much about the issue. I am so ashamed..... :depressed::sadangel:

Get the crack outta Coz!!! (Remember, I am Don from Texas.... :wink:)
Not long ago things were going very badly. You may not have noticed, but a number of once prominent posters, including a couple of moderators, have left SB entirely. It was getting very ugly. A number of solutions were discussed and enacted. Eliminating the thanks total was one small one. It may not have been the right decision, but it was part of a much larger series of decisions trying to deal with a problem that was, in the context of SB's existence, very important..

If people left SB because of people pressing the THANKS button, they've got pretty bad issues that they can't get over.....
Everything is relative.

It is not as important as the things you mentioned, but it is more important than many of the things you don't mention.

When you consider relative seriousness, you must consider it in context. When you are running a discussion board, seriousness relates to the continued existence of the board.

Well you didn't say "it was a very serious issue on the board." Ok though, if you want to play the context game...ScubaBoard being sued is a very serious issue to the board. The board not having enough servers causing the board to crap out every other day (year or two ago) was a serious issue. The thanks button, still only a moderate issue in comparison, sorry.

And by the way, in the spirit of the staff process, I am not going to say what my personal position was.
:rofl3: Yeah, because it's not obvious how you felt.

We need a new LOLCat. "Neutrality, Ur Doin it Wrong"
Another reason was the use of thanks for the purpose of bolstering a point of view. It was hard to know what to do about it. What was happening was that someone would make a post that supported a specific fairly extreme point of view, and the same half dozen or so supporters would jump in with their thanks. It is hard to make it clear in this thread without about 100 examples, but it was getting very divisive. Things were getting very heated, and the thanks button was being used as more of a bludgeon with which to attack others than an expression of thanks. The first impulse was to remove the thanks button altogether, but that was not well received. Removing the Thanks total was an imperfect way to deal with it.


Kinda ironic.... because the above is what this thread has turned into...

even by the people that 'hated' other people doing this... (even they are clicking thanks excessivelyin this thread ) :popcorn:
Not to be argumentative because I could really care less if the thanks count lives or dies, Walter had a valid point.

And his point was the reason why the thanks got removed in it's entirety. Apparently he forgot that.
Or do some people just need to bitch about something constantly?

If they didn't, would Scubaboard still exist?:idk:

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