What happened to Thanks?

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For those who were not involved with either of the two above situations, it probably seems silly or even nonsensical, but for those who were involved, it was a very serious situation.

AIDS in Africa is a very serious situation. The economy is a serious situation. Deforestation and the number of endangered species is a very serious situation. The fact that human trafficking and sexual slavery has surpassed firearms trafficking to be the second most profitable crime (behind narcotics) is a very serious situation. The fact that scubaboard is being sued is a moderate situation.

The thanks button is about as low as you can get on the "serious situation" hierarchy.

Get a grip John.
The thanks button is about as low as you can get on the "serious situation" hierarchy.

Get a grip John.

Everything is relative.

It is not as important as the things you mentioned, but it is more important than many of the things you don't mention, like getting lumps out of the cream of wheat. It is thus nowhere near as low as you can go.

When you consider relative seriousness, you must consider it in context. When you are running a discussion board, seriousness relates to the continued existence of the board. AIDS in Africa is more serious, but it is out of context. If one were to use your approach, no one would bother with anything they do at work because it is not as serious as mass murder.

Not long ago things were going very badly. You may not have noticed, but a number of once prominent posters, including a couple of moderators, have left SB entirely. It was getting very ugly. A number of solutions were discussed and enacted. Eliminating the thanks total was one small one. It may not have been the right decision, but it was part of a much larger series of decisions trying to deal with a problem that was, in the context of SB's existence, very important.

And by the way, in the spirit of the staff process, I am not going to say what my personal position was. For all you know, and for all I will reveal, I may have been totally opposed to it. I am just saying that a decision was made in the hope it would HELP solve a much larger problem that was tearing us apart. Maybe it was the right decision. Maybe it was the wrong decision. But that is why it was made.
Many think the number of thanks received ratio to posts, is a pretty good indicator of credibility.

Some SB posters racked up thousands and thousands of posts before the 'thanks' feature was ever deployed, making the denominator a bit useless.

I'd also argue that even if you fixed it, it'd still be a lousy indicator of credibility and would correlate better to popularity, which isn't necessarily the same thing. And anyone has the capacity in them to make a really good point, so discounting people according to dive count, thanks count, post count, etc is close minded.

BTW: Thanks, Cave Diver, for fixing the Thanks button. Initially, I hated the Thanks button and thought it was stupid, but it has saved me from posting, and probably reading, hundreds and thousands of "+1" posts.
And by the way, in the spirit of the staff process, I am not going to say what my personal position was. For all you know, and for all I will reveal, I may have been totally opposed to it. I am just saying that a decision was made in the hope it would HELP solve a much larger problem that was tearing us apart. Maybe it was the right decision. Maybe it was the wrong decision. But that is why it was made.

And the Oscar for best display of excessive drama in a post about of all things the thanks button, goes to....


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You guys need to ****ing get out more. If the thanks situation rates as serious for anybody then the have led a terribly sheltered life under a rock. There is a big mean ( but fun if you remove the pickle from your ???) world out there.
You may not have noticed, but a number of once prominent posters, including a couple of moderators, have left SB entirely.

Ebb and Flow......natural progression. Hundreds (maybe thousands) of good posters have replaced them. Nobody is here forever.

......but it was part of a much larger series of decisions trying to deal with a problem that was, in the context of SB's existence, very important.........a much larger problem that was tearing us apart......

While I agree that the drama in here is thick, you guys are your own worst enemies. You blame us but it is "yourselves". Effective Communication......'nuff said.
Cave Diver:
Whether you've seen it or not, there have been numerous incidents where someone makes a post that's rude, condescending or insulting to another user and then a dozen people thank them for it and it ends up inciting a flame war.

That would not seem to be related to the thanks count, but to the ability to thank (which is still available). What am I missing?
Since no one has said Cozumel in a post for a while, I move the thread be deported and sent to a refugee camp in the Site Support section.:focus: :ss: This thread is like a crack house in the neighborhood! :eek:fftopic::dramaqueen::argument: This thread has attracted the Zeta Boys of scubaboard. They got post counts into the five digits. Now I can't see their thanks count to see if they are the good guys or the bad guys, but with big guns like that we are going to end up with a flame war in the middle of Melgar!!! :gas::flame::fear: Call the federales!! :police:

:sadangel:We need to get back to important Coz arguments, like who is :cheerleader::cheerleader: (by the way, the wife is going to the condo this month and diving with Alison Scuba Dive Cozumel | ScubaWithAlison who we really love, has a fast boat, is really safe, funny and all around good egg!)

Or how about the fact that I think El Moro in the hood has some of the best mole on the island?

I am going to go make another donation to SB, as I feel for the mods. And I will tell you right now, if you have a problem with what I said, my name is Don and I live in Texas..... :duck:
Well said (I think) cvchief

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