What can you do with a Toilet?

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...I'm a diver now, and disposal of this POS requires a more worthy demise.

I'm thinking of schlepping it to a private boat and starting Kohler Reef someplace.

Any ideas?



The use of old toilet bowls as a reef is certainly not a new concept. Matter of fact it is a great use of old toilet bowls; they are very attractive to lobsters, offer a certain amount of protection but do not provide for an escape route.

The use of a toilet bowl lobster reef was first accomplished and widely publicized in several national diving publications by Bob and his late brother Bill Meister of Dive and Surf and Body Glove fame.

In the late 1960s they dumped a large qualities of used toilet bowls to developed a deep reef in the water off Marina del Rey. It was very productive and is to this day considered a very top secret location known only to a few.

It is reported but can not be verified that during the same time frame a very small select group of OC instructor divers also developed a similar reef in a seldom dove area of OC. It was so productive for lobsters that they also developed a toilet bowl reef in the deep water near a popular diving area in Catalina.--but this is a rumor and can not be verified.

To day this would possibly be considered dumping and or pollution and possibly be subject to a huge fine...

this would be a welcome alternative to the warhammer. Nice to have the facilities available if need be.

I have a kohler that flooded my laminate flooring in the hallway one night. Thinking about changing it also.
Hm...this was up as one of the random pictures on the homepage just now...

Lobster Hut! They love em. Only down side is that with the tank laying flat there's not a lot of room to reach over the lobster. Now 5 gallon pails work great as lobster huts.
First, do NOT hit it with a sledge hammer. The pieces of sharp ceramic will cause untold damage and are hard to clean up. I know this from personal experience.

Second, there IS a toilet reef off MDR.

Third, I just disposed of a toilet. I simply, but quietly, carried it into my neighbor's back yard and placed it next to one that was already there (don't ask). He has yet to notice or at least comment on it. If you want, I'll PM you with his address and you can add yours to the collection.

The use of old toilet bowls as a reef is certainly not a new concept. Matter of fact it is a great use of old toilet bowls; they are very attractive to lobsters, offer a certain amount of protection but do not provide for an escape route.

The use of a toilet bowl lobster reef was first accomplished and widely publicized in several national diving publications by Bob and his late brother Bill Meister of Dive and Surf and Body Glove fame.

In the late 1960s they dumped a large qualities of used toilet bowls to developed a deep reef in the water off Marina del Rey. It was very productive and is to this day considered a very top secret location known only to a few.


First, do NOT hit it with a sledge hammer. The pieces of sharp ceramic will cause untold damage and are hard to clean up. I know this from personal experience.

Second, there IS a toilet reef off MDR.
see #12 or below.

Do you know the location of the MDR toilet bowl reef?

Have you dove it?

Do you know the locations of the OC or Catalina toilet bowl reef?

Have you dove them?

The use of old toilet bowls as a reef is certainly not a new concept. Matter of fact it is a great use of old toilet bowls; they are very attractive to lobsters, offer a certain amount of protection but do not provide for an escape route.

The use of a toilet bowl lobster reef was first accomplished and widely publicized in several national diving publications by Bob and his late brother Bill Meister of Dive and Surf and Body Glove fame.

In the late 1960s they dumped a large qualities of used toilet bowls to developed a deep reef in the water off Marina del Rey. It was very productive and is to this day considered a very top secret location known only to a few.
The use of old toilet bowls as a reef is certainly not a new concept. Matter of fact it is a great use of old toilet bowls; they are very attractive to lobsters, offer a certain amount of protection but do not provide for an escape route.

The use of a toilet bowl lobster reef was first accomplished and widely publicized in several national diving publications by Bob and his late brother Bill Meister of Dive and Surf and Body Glove fame.

In the late 1960s they dumped a large qualities of used toilet bowls to developed a deep reef in the water off Marina del Rey. It was very productive and is to this day considered a very top secret location known only to a few.
Most overrated toilets ever. I decided I could buy a perfectly acceptable knock-off for the price to fix this POS.

I'll come and pick your up - we'll go start our own reef!


There's a site on Catalina that has a toilet. An octopus has claimed it as its home. Works for me!!!

I'm one of those kind of people that believes you usually get what you pay for......but I think that my Kohler is definitely a POS!! All of the other crappy toilets :)rofl3:) in my house work so much better than this $$$$ one! Of course the Kohler is in my main bathroom!

The only reason I still have that toilet in my house is because if I switch it out, what do you do with the old one?

Ken, I've some guns.... :D (The environmentalist in me would be picking up the porcelain pieces to dispose of properly after the fun :wink:)
I'm sure glad we have salt water plumbing out here on Catalina and don't need to worry as much about high flush toilets.

I, for one, think there is far too much human debris on the ocean floor (including old warships) than I care to see. Ken, I hope you find a land-based solution to your disposal problem. By the way, I think you've been breathing firestorm smoke too long and need to get wet!

I'd love to replace all the Kohler fixtures in my house. None of them work properly.

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