People recommending tables might be doing square profile tech dives but for any place else in the world you won't be using them.
OK, maybe if you dive locally in your pond, lake, etc. But virtually no resort near an ocean offering 2-3 + more dives a day ain't going to let you dive tables.
If you don't own a simple under $200.00 NITROX / AIR computer they'll rent you one and that's ONE per diver.
Been diving 55 years and watched this argument as equipment innovations came along. Sport diving evolved from a single steel tank, no SPG, a j-valve,and no BCD to what we have today. Because of BCDs, Octopus reg, and finally dive computers we can safely explore underwater multiple times / day.
I have several tables on my bookshelf including Canadian DCIEM, NUWAY tables (Google it), several PADI iterations including the Wheel (again Google it!)
They are fun to look at and recall how limited our dive times / depths were. But use them for sport diving? NO way.......
Just one old guy's opinion LOL.....
David Haas