Video Editing Systems

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Does anyone know how to change the capture length in Pinnacle Studio 9.4. Because after 22 minutes it stops and freezes my computer.
From what I recall from using Studio last year, that's a "feature" of Studio 9.4. I never did find a way around it.

Hit the spacebar at 20mins. or so to start capturing a new clip - or anywhere you want a scene break.
Customer (pAUL sMITH) 01/27/2006 12:02 AM
While capturing video with the capture settings on scene detection. If the scene detection is on "Automatic based on video content" it freezes at 21 minutes into it. If the scend detection is on "Create new scene every" XX It will frezze after a how ever many second i put in there. If the scene detection is on "No scene dection push space bar" The computer will again freeze at 21 minutes. and if i push the space bar it doesnt create a scene. Computer specs AMD xp3000+ 1 gig DDR 200 Gig HDD MSI motherboard. NVidia Video Card with 256 MB Ram Onboard. Caputre Divice is a TDK Capture box running through USB2. I have my tv hooked up to my vcr and the vcr into the TDK box. I have pinnacle Studio Version 9.4.3 I am getting frustrated with it stoping at 21 minmutes. please let me know how to fix this issue. Sincerely, Paul Smith

Response (Sammy Barclay) 01/27/2006 12:59 AM
Hello pAUL,

If you are experiencing failed performance or a deterioration of performance with your product, it may be related to the configuration of your computer. Enclosed in this document are some recommended steps to improve your computer’s speed and performance. These steps will also enable you to see an improvement when using other programs on your computer as well. Generally you will want to keep background programs running on your computer to a minimum. This is more important when you are running high bandwidth, resource intensive, applications like video editing programs or large databases of music and video. There is a built-in tool within Windows called Microsoft Configuration Utility. Please see this FAQ on specifics on this utility and how to use it: Spyware, also known as adware, are generally programs that advertising companies place on computers thru Internet web pages you look at. They report back on your browsing habits. Over time many of these little spyware programs can accumulate on your computer causing performance problems, interfering with product registrations, or even causing system crashes. If you are seeing new toolbars in your Internet browser, excessive popups, or your homepage has been switched, it is possible that your computer system is infected with internet spyware. This spyware is continually "calling home," using your Internet connection and reporting statistical data to its programmers/owners. There are various programs to seek out and eliminate Spyware such as Ad-aware: Spykiller: Spycop: There are many other programs and information you can find on spyware by doing a Google search for spyware at . Note that none of these spyware detection programs are created by or endorsed by Pinnacle Systems. The programs listed here Ad-aware, Spykiller and Spycop are examples of the spyware disabling software available. On some systems, virus checking software can cause a variety of problems. It is recommended that virus checkers be disabled whenever installing or uninstalling any application. If the situation improves you may want to try to isolate what is causing the problem. If you shut down multiple background applications, you can try leaving one or more of them on while using your video editing program in order to determine whether the problem is caused by one particular background application or several in conjunction. You may also want to experiment to see if rendering times are affected by your virus checker. Note that having your virus checker and/or software firewall disabled when connected to broadband Internet via DSL or cable modem is not recommended; if you disable your virus checker, you should also temporarily disable your internet connection. Here are more troubleshooting tips for issues regarding poor hard drive and system performance: Please feel free to contact us again in the future if you have further questions. You may submit questions to our support team by going to the following link: Regards, Sammy B

Now i dont know but to me this email really has nothing to do with the problem. So i emailed them back saying yes this is all great news but it doesnt matter if i do a fresh install on windows and install just pinnacle it happens.

I wonder if it has something to do with your capture box. I have Pinnacle 9.4 running on a much slower system with their AV/DV card and mine won't freeze, except at the 22min threshold(I think)

It could be possible that some other USB device is polling on the chain and causing problems. There's also a utility mentioned on Digital Diver in one of the videography posts that shuts down all your background processes during video captures. I can't remember the name of it.

Are you capturing to the same disk your system files are on? Most people don't. I do, but have a separate 40GB partition just for captures and output.

I wonder if it has something to do with your capture box. I have Pinnacle 9.4 running on a much slower system with their AV/DV card and mine won't freeze, except at the 22min threshold(I think)

It could be possible that some other USB device is polling on the chain and causing problems. There's also a utility mentioned on Digital Diver in one of the videography posts that shuts down all your background processes during video captures. I can't remember the name of it.

Are you capturing to the same disk your system files are on? Most people don't. I do, but have a separate 40GB partition just for captures and output.

Yes I have two separt hard Drives. A 100 gig for system files and a 250 for my video editing. The only issue I have is at the 22 minutes threash hold it frezzes. Really that is what I am frustrated with.
Yes I have two separt hard Drives. A 100 gig for system files and a 250 for my video editing. The only issue I have is at the 22 minutes threash hold it frezzes. Really that is what I am frustrated with.
Hi. Is your video capture drive formatted as NTFS or FAT32?

If FAT32, then that could be your problem since a single contiguous file cannot be larger than 4GB. NTFS does not have this limitation.
I'm currently shooting with the Sony A1U HDV cam within a Gates housing. I've been using and teaching Final Cut Pro since its inception. As a reviewer for the and sites I am in the fortunate position of getting most software/plugins, books, tutorials and god knows what else for free for review purposes. I think FCP is the most stable NLE out there but there are many good contenders for PC editors as well.-Steve:14:
Finally I fixed my computer so it wont freeze. But now I am struggling with the capture length not fitting on a DVD. If I use DivX Encoder at 500KBPS but is not as good quality, It works fine for a one hours show. But if I use the standard 3600 or what ever it now makes the same video about 9 GIG I want High quality but I want to be able to burn to a Single Layer DVD ( Duel Layers are still to Expensive). I hope this makes since if not let me know. By the way this is using Pinnacle Studio 9.4.3. Also is there any software anyone can recommend that i can use after i make a high quality video to shrink it down to fit on a single layer DVD.

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