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Look at your buddies decide which is the better trained then go to that instructor
I can't say enough great things about Bob Sherwood and Steve Millington (LA Scuba Diving) as instructors. I know that Bob is scheduling some Fundies classes at Dutch Springs in the spring/summer 2010. You can contact Bob about doing some training closer to where you're located or maybe in the Thousand Island area.

If you're ever in the NYC area and need a dive buddy, let me know. :D

I will sure do :) We are going to be around NYC this New Year but I doubt my wife will let me dive :D But most likely I will be coming to the City sometime in the spring so we can definitely make some dives ! When do charters start operating in NYC ? I would love to check out some wrecks
My view is that I'll take any course that I think I can learn something from, whether it means rehashing old ground, or seeing something completely new. If I ever have the chance to take GUE fundies or whatever the UTD equivalent is, I would.

What bothers me though is that lack of ability to cross over between organisations. I would like to do a trimix cert one day. Although I don't have personal experience (and someone please jump on me if this is wrong), I hear lots of stories that IANTD and DSAT, and others too I am sure, insisting that a diver cannot take trimix until you they the qualifying certifications with their organisation.

Sorry, not sure if that is a hijack or not. If it is, I apologise.
My view is that I'll take any course that I think I can learn something from, whether it means rehashing old ground, or seeing something completely new. If I ever have the chance to take GUE fundies or whatever the UTD equivalent is, I would.

What bothers me though is that lack of ability to cross over between organisations. I would like to do a trimix cert one day. Although I don't have personal experience (and someone please jump on me if this is wrong), I hear lots of stories that IANTD and DSAT, and others too I am sure, insisting that a diver cannot take trimix until you they the qualifying certifications with their organisation.

Sorry, not sure if that is a hijack or not. If it is, I apologise.

I think your forgetting the cost factor, I would love to take classes all across the board even at the same equivalency levels if the price were right. The problem of cost, travel, lodging, and time off work all become a factor and when a class can push that budget easily to $3000 a class, it is just not as feasible.

You do hit on a good point though, you should be able to keep an open mind to what an agency teaches and what benefits you see fit for your diving needs. You also need to find others in the area that you can dive with...The education is no good if you can't put into practice what you've learned.
Yeah with the cost factor the picture changes. My primary goal now is to be able to dive to 160-180 ft range. GUE Tech1 will be enough for me for quite some time. The good thing is that with Tech 1 I can dive Trimix. With TDI I will have to take more courses and I think it is more expensive to get to the trimix level. Thought with TDI I can jump on the deco train right now I like that GUE has it's Fundamentals class where all the basics are nailed down before going to the Tech level.

Unfortunately I cannot afford taking the same level classes from all the agencies so I have to make my choice.
One concrete difference between GUE and UTD appears to be that the UTD approach to deco is based entirely on Ratio Deco, while the GUE approach is a combination of methods and tools.

Wouldn't make any difference at DIRF, and makes little difference to Tech1 level diving.
I was reading through the GUE standards and found that the certification card is renewed every 3 years and one has to provide the proof of 25 dives for that period, so basically with Tech 1 cert one has to make 25 dives on Trimix over 3 years period, otherwise its going to be lifted, did I get it right ?
Yes, I believe that is correct. You have to do 25 dives over a three year period at the highest level of your certification, to keep the card.
Yes, I believe that is correct. You have to do 25 dives over a three year period at the highest level of your certification, to keep the card.

That can be a big disadvantage, I understand what they want to achieve with this but, man, after putting so much money into the training one can lose the cert so easy.

Basically we have 6 -7 month for those kind of dives here, that means 1 - 2 dives a month. It can be difficult sometimes even finding a buddy for that kind of dive.

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