This is the first time I have ever heard of a "Solo Certification". What is this about? 17 or whsatever years ago I was PADI certified as an OW diver and it was recommended we practice the "buddy system" but there was no "Solo Certification" that I recall and no limitation presented that said I couldn't dive without a buddy. Any PADI certified OW diver was free to rent tanks anywhere and do whatever they wanted with them solo or with a buddy.
What the heck is this "Solo Certification" as I've never heard of such a thing. Is this yet another PADI dive op money grab and an excuse to deny grab-and-go tanks to a certified OW diver if they haven't paid for yet another level of certification that is meaningless when one gets right down to it?
Good Lord... I would personally INSIST on diving solo and would NEVER dive with a dive op that forced me to buddy up with some random individual on the boat for the sake of the buddy system because I don't hold some BS "Solo Certification". Luckily, there are dive ops on Cozumel that understand and respect my way of thinking. The only "buddy" I'm going to buddy up with is my wife or a VERY close dive friend who I've been diving with for a long time... No one else... Period.
I took my solo class through SDI, because a new dive quarry had opened in Houston and required a solo cert for solo divers. The quarry has since closed but other operations recognize my solo cert.
PADI offers a class called Self-Reliant Diver to teach divers to be self-reliant and take responsibility for their dive. I don't know if they have officially endorsed solo diving. Does anybody else know?