The bag was shipped with the suit...
The suit fit well within the bag when it was shipped. But with the excitement to try it on I didn't notice how it was folded at the factory.
I did notice it was sent with both zippers closed contrary with what the instructions mention about storing with zipper open.
Storing the suit hung up on a proper, wide suit hanger with just the outer zipper closed has the least stress on the the entire suit. Search on "UK dive suit hanger" for examples.
For travel, make use of the supplied suit bag. First, close the brass zipper as the increased stiffness adds some bend/damage prevention (and why SeaSkin ships it this way) and also close the outer zipper. Roll up the suit with the zippers facing the outside of the roll. End with the neck ring laying somewhat flat, not bent around a side of the roll, then fold the arms up and over the opposite side of the neck ring (which at this point is typically on the bottom, laying flat). Make certain the zippers have no abrupt bends - the upper shoulder end can be susceptible to being pulled into a bad position when you wrap the arms/sleeves around the suit. Now you should be able to slide the suit into the bag.