Scubaddawg once bubbled...
Here Is our dive trailer and Tow Vehicle
You could put the whole dive shop in there. How many members on your dive team?
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Scubaddawg once bubbled...
Here Is our dive trailer and Tow Vehicle
Groundhog246 once bubbled...
You could put the whole dive shop in there. How many members on your dive team?
dcostanza once bubbled...
for the most discriminating individuals with a desire to impress...
in case you wonder about the options here are a few...
"...Unusual options fitted include the fact it is fully bulletproof all round to withstand sustained fire from a Kalashnikov AK47, has 3 engines, one the main 8.2L turbo-diesel drive engine, the second a diesel generator to power 240V and the 11000V electrified hull outside, and a Nissan gasoline car engine to power the water cannon...."
Off ebay motors...