Scuba Sciences Regulator Repair Problem

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divebri, trust me he is not pretending. I will not go into why because it is not my place. It is his issue. For the record I am not defending him. If he is an offender, by all means he should be *****-slapped along with any of the others that have their heads up their ***.
divebri & divelizard - The guy who posted here and elsewhere with the disability should be given the benefit of the doubt. While violation of SB policy is an issue (e.g. sock puppets), it's not worth discussing the mental or literary capacity of a chap across the country that few of us have met. Let's keep it civil and leave his writing abilities and mastery of the English language alone.

In another thread, I jokingly suggested they do that.
Not surprisingly, after four or five posts trying to draw someone out
Think that might've been a small part of the reason they didn't respond...:D
in which no one replied, I was flamed, at first by a righteous poster
Wow, was that me? I later went back and added j/k...Sorry if that wasn't clear. And I don't work for anybody...
and then by one of their divecons. I believe the quote was "Dude, give it a rest. No one's taking the bait."
I could be mistaken but I thought Rob(dive-aholic) posted that. He's certainly NOT one of their divecons...Apologies to Rob if I'm incorrect also.
one guy (I feel strongly enough about it to make this statement) is pretending to be basically functionally illiterate.
I know otherwise..
That was my point. He has been taking quite a few hits about his grammar and I was pointing out that he really was not pretending or some sockpuppet alter ego.
Anybody notice this thread has almost 11,000 views? That's MOF/NMOF country...

My prediction: past Lake Pleasant conditions by next week...:D
Anybody notice this thread has almost 11,000 views? That's MOF/NMOF country...

OK. I've got to ask.... I've seen dozens of members make reference to it - but just wth is MOF/NMOF?

(Sorry to be off topic - the following will be on topic)

As for Scuba Sciences - say what you will about their decisions with regards to this incident, their business practices, or anything else about the business aspects of Scuba Sciences, but the individual that posted on this thread and on the "post something nice" style thread should be left alone. Either he is disabled or has put a lot of effort into appearing that way, and in either case it is not appropriate to ridicule his handicap. ScubaBoard has some very impressive disabled members who have set the bar high, but that does not excuse attacks on someone who obviously has some issues with the proper use of language. Leave him alone and focus your praise or punishment on the shop, not one divecon. (And no, I'm not a bloody sock puppet).
geez, with all the nonsense, and THREE people (boatflyer, diverfromhell, and scubadiver1302001) ALL having the same problem, I thought it was a joke. Given all the other nonsense, can I be forgiven? If he hadn't posted as three different people, I would never have thought that.
Actually, sjspeck, shark.byte.usa flamed me first. I was expecting it, as i was being a little bit of a t*rd, trying to make a point. But then krcollins, one of the divecons, piped in. No harm, I would have posted 50 more times till I got somebody to flame me.
I pointed out that they were lightning-quick to defend but silent when a little outreach was suggested. I even made reference to where I come from, whoever asks for hugs has to bring the beer!
But I think they all purposefully disrupted this board and knew exactly what they were doing. I think they were laughing at us while we were all climbing up on the pulpit.
But divelizard brings up a good point - maybe they all got a timeout for this. You're not hearing them any more.
We all know what the score is. It doesn't have much to do with screwing up a reg service any more, it has to do with basic business ethics and philosophy. I think they made a mockery of what we think is important, namely the members of this board. I hope it costs them in whatever manner is most dear to them - disgrace, money, whatever.

My post was simply a reminder that attacks against an individual, especially one who may suffer some disability, are inappropriate and will likely get this thread locked or deleted by ScubaBoard. Regardless of any TOS violations, it's best to leave that aspect (specific user) of this issue alone.

As for "disgrace, money, whatever" - what we should want is for the business to address the issue and prevent it from happening again. This is not a court of law and we are not out to issue punitive damages in favor of the OP against Scuba Sciences. It appears that the general consensus on Scubaboard is that the shop did wrong (I agree with this) in how they handled the situation and presumably how they serviced the regulator. Instead of wishing ill upon Scuba Sciences and its employees the demand should be that they show some evidence of having enhanced their service practices to prevent another issue like this from ever happening. Rick has posted several times about this very point - what is Scuba Sciences doing to ensure that future incidents do not occur?

I'm a business owner and an avid consumer. I've been through issues similar to this ( with businesses in the past - the solution is not to go for blood, but to demand a solution that benefits the consumer while saving face for the business. This is, in effect, the negotiation of a business with a mob of angry [potential] consumers - the business needs to be presented with and to accept a solution that allows the saving of face and the protection of future customers. It is obvious that the OP will not be a customer again in the future - the issues here is that others, on this board and elsewhere, are customers and deserve protection and appropriate service....
we approve or disapprove of someone's products, services or practices with our money.
They are one of several businesses that has what we want-scuba products and services. We have what they want - money.
If, in each individual's opinion, the business has appropriate business practices and provides products or services at a price we are willing to pay, we buy something.
We protest either their price, their product or their practices by staying away.
Since there has been several hundred opportunities for them to do what you suggested, and they have refused every bit of (civil) pressure this board can exert,
and have IMHO made a mockery of all of us, I intend to protest their practices by staying away.
In negotiation, you have to provide or take away something that is important to the other side. It does no good to threaten a rich man with a fine he can easily pay, but a long jail sentence will get his attention.
This is what i was thinking of when i posted. If someone is still willing to buy goods and services there, fine, but I intend to disgrace them with their own words and hurt them merely by not buying anything there.
I wish them ill will only in the sense that we, the people who are offended by their stance, as a group IMHO should not support their business.

And while I did and do offer an apology to the individual and the board, I did not ever name an individual. Doesn't matter, it was obvious who it was, so again I apologize. It would have been easier to believe if there wasn't three of them.

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