Scuba Limericks

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ScubaBOBuba's prose has raised the mark!
I'm having a heck of a time getting anything to sound good. So, even though my limerick turned into the start of a Dr. Suess book, here it is. Oh, and my apologies to redhatmama, you were just lucky enough to post last...oh, and your profile...what the hell is Redhat?

An ode to redhatmama

redhatmama was her screen name
and posting limericks was her game.
For her this does not seem too hard
Me thinks she works for Hallmark cards.
At work one day, she sat and said
"Oh, I've got a good one in my head!"
I'll post tonight when I get home,
but as she sat in traffic all alone.
It dawned on her as she sat there,
these lousy drivers did not care!
"Don't these people have a clue?"
"Do they know just what I do?"
"I code Redhad, day in day out!"
"At my job I have lot's of clout!"
"Get out of the way, I've a limerick to post"
But she ran out of gas and started to coast.
Her car stopped by the beach on I-95
She forgot all about the limerick and instead did a dive!
That is a fine piece of prose, Kent! I guess I was the lucky poster. Redhat is a linux operating system. I changed my avatar so maybe it will make more sense. And thanks so much for the Ode. :)
Diver Dan never rinsed his gear
All he did was drink his beer
On a dive boat in Truk
His reg clogged with muck
His body now rests under the pier
Conservative Connie loved all things marine
She made a big splash in the diving scene
In Roatan she met two young lads
With a video camera and rippley abs
What happened next, it's best not to show it
If you saw the movie you'd probably know it
The limerick is furtive and mean.
You must keep it in close quarantine,
Or she sneaks to the slums,
And promptly becomes
Disorderly, drunk and obscene.
The limerick is furtive and mean.
You must keep it in close quarantine,
Or she sneaks to the slums,
And promptly becomes
Disorderly, drunk and obscene.

How true - you should have seen the first few versions of Conservative Connie. Oh... and excellent limerick rhmama!

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