Scuba Limericks

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Yo yo yo check it out
I heard the gangsta shout
You can’t smoke no crack
No cars to jack
So, what’s dis diving all about?
Yo yo yo check it out
I heard the gangsta shout
You can’t smoke no crack
No cars to jack
So, what’s dis diving all about?

:59:Oh ya! I knew a good one was coming. Now THAT'S freakin' hilarious!!
there once was a diver named Chad
who mad all the DIR guys mad
but he did not care
he still carried his spare air
and all of his buddies were glad

this thread is addicting ..
I'd love to get a dive in or two
i don't really mind what we do
just dive safe and dive sound
and don't clown around
or your butt will be full of my shoe
In keeping with Kevfin's yo yo theme...

Badass Bob was a ruthless mobster
Who had a taste for Atlantic lobster
Da boys dey thought it'd be real fun
To buy him a giant lobster gun
Now he's so fat they call him the Blobster
In keeping with Kevfin's yo yo theme...

Badass Bob was a ruthless mobster
Who had a taste for Atlantic lobster
Da boys dey thought it'd be real fun
To buy him a giant lobster gun
Now he's so fat they call him the Blobster

Haaaa,,, So, I guess he ain't no badass,,, he's more of a lardass...eyebrow
There once was a diver named Bob B
I said don't be diving with me
I said with a frown
Underwater I’m a clown
You’ll put that shoe where the sun don’t see
A squid handler always had the urge
To go out on the sea and submerge
The eels saw him coming
And although he was running
Upon him they would always converge
Lately my limericks really suck
Crappy poems that make you say, "Yuck!"
Still it's actually very fun
To write some limericks on the run
And then on to new posters pass the buck!

Kelphelper? Bob_B? Your turn!!

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