Scuba Limericks

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Moonbeam dove on LSD
Swirling sensations of color and motion set him free
Talking fish, hallucinations, psychedelic kelp
at 310 feet he was beyond help
Narcosis and acid don’t mix with the sea
Moonbeam dove on LSD
Swirling sensations of color and motion set him free
Talking fish, hallucinations, psychedelic kelp
at 310 feet he was beyond help
Narcosis and acid don’t mix with the sea

Groovy man! :life:
Dive and post, dive and post
That's what I really wanna do most
For many, Christmas is such a hit
For me it's a steaming pile of - roasted chestnuts!!
Barnaby Bigbucks loved to dive
Six dives a day, home by five
He had four sea scooters
And an interest in Hooters
That's how we knew he had really arrived
For me it's a steaming pile of - roasted chestnuts!!

And an interest in Hooters

:lol3: Stop it, you're making my sides hurt!
Lately it's been hard to come up with pure limericks, but here's one:

There once was a SCUBA super sleuth
Who suffered an ugly old snaggletooth
While spying one day under the water
He scared the bageezus out of an otter
The otter decided to take a shell
And knock that tooth straight to h***!
there once was a diver named Ward
who posted all day on this board
though his profile was thin
he posted again
just look how my post totals soared
there once was a diver named Ward
who posted all day on this board
though his profile was thin
he posted again
just look how my post totals soared

Good one, and welcome! Beware, this thread is addicting Bob_B!

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