Scuba Limericks

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I'll take it!! Thanks!
Funny limericks of drinking abound
Great ones here on ScubaBoard found
When ocean bottoms you can’t be
Open a bottle or can for me
On surfacing I’m buying the next round
My apologies FW...

On the boat a diver strutted about
bragging that he could whisper to trout.
But when he went under
His plan was a blunder
For he was afraid to take his reg out.
My dive buddy is truly a gas.
He'll eat crackers then spit in his mask.
He makes a whistleing noise
while scratching his "boys"
and has hand signals to say "kiss my rosy, red..."
2000 feet into a cave poor Andy went
His 80 cubic feet of air nearly spent
His split fins kicked up all the silt
Without air he soon did wilt
For him the Darwin Award was meant
In Dan’s haze of a narcosis stupor
He gave his reg to a nosey grouper
Hearty chuckle at the reef below
Was like, dude, totally mellow
Until the thought of death puckered up his pooper
Redhatmama: Thank you for the kind words.

Rat: Thank you for starting this thread...I think. I had no idea it could be addictive. You should have posted a warning. Are you going to pay for limerick rehab?

This is my next installment.....

An amorous diver named Corey
Attempted to dance with a Moray
He held it too tight
And it started to bite
What ensued was really quite gory.

Rat: Thank you for starting this thread...I think. I had no idea it could be addictive. You should have posted a warning. Are you going to pay for limerick rehab?

Bob - glad you are enjoying it! Ummmm... there is an anonymous 12-step program called LA, but you have to WANT to quit for it to be successful. That's not going to happen now is it..... :D

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