Scuba Limericks

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My limericks, they sometimes offend
They're obscence from beginning to end
Although I do know it
I try not to show it
They just come to me while I ascend!
For Christmas I want SCUBA gear
New reg, BC and fins right here!
But Santa is pissed
I'm not on his list
'Cause I've been a bad boy all year.

What the heck did he expect from a RAT anyway?
ok here's my go

a deep dive i did on a lark
and suddenly found myself narked
my reg i did share
with a jewfish down there
cause he looked like my dive buddy mark!

Radiation or weird science from a lab
A rat under water like a friggin crab
It’s sick, it’s strange
From a mind deranged
Indeed, it’s kind of fab
could it be possible that this thread is getting weirder??

so many divers i see upon here
like Andy, wetrat and whisp-rear
it just seems to me
they post continously
do they ever get to dive with their peers?
Radiation or weird science from a lab
A rat under water like a friggin crab
It’s sick, it’s strange
From a mind deranged
Indeed, it’s kind of fab

Incredible! A keeper!

could it be possible that this thread is getting weirder??


Yes. Save us.

Oh, and welcome to the limerick thread ealbert! Your limericks are excellent. We do dive on occasion - it makes us want to run home and write limericks about it!

H2Andy's an excellent mod
He reads all our posts, and thinks we are odd!
He writes great prose
And everyone knows
He is more powerful than a Greek God!

Just joshin' ya there big guy - thanks for all your hard work on ScubaBoard!! :christmas
my previous post has become a story:

a deep dive i did on a lark
and suddenly found myself narked
my reg i did share
with a jewfish down there
cause he looked like my dive buddy Mark!

the jewfish gave my reg back
and said "time for you to go, Jack"
so narked was i then
that i shook both his fins
and said "Yes, My dear Sir, dat's a fact!"

He turned and then swam away
and i'l never forget him that day
when a jewfish named Mark
said "dude, you are narked"
and swam away singing "oy vey!"

On the surface, I shook my head
and wondered why I wasnt dead
then dive buddy Mark
came up like a shark
and laughed at me till he was red

On the boat, I spent my time thinking
about what can happen when drinking
I talked with a fish
who granted my wish
to make it home, and not die by sinking

Now times past and I'm growing old
I think of the tales that we told
about my jewish friend
and how i mistook him
for a jewfish named Sir Mark Ingold

the end
Here I lay, wrists and ankles restrained
Doses of Lithium in my veins
I've learned quite a lesson
'Bout my limerick obsession
SCUBA limericks will drive you insane

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