This is a strange crime. What do the perpetrators do with the computers and transmitters? Obviously, the serial numbers are known and hopefully reported to the manufacturers and service facilities. The new "owners" of these computers and transmitters should be unable to register them or obtain service. Have any of these stolen items resurfaced to date? There are some other, relatively small, high cost items that could also be targets, like some reg sets. Have any items other that Shearwater and Garmin computers and transmitters been reported?
Perhaps items like this should have the serial numbers listed with the sales notice, to prevent these stolen items from being resold. Of course, there would have to be a central repository of the serial numbers, that could be contacted to make the check. Shearwater and Garmin would seem to be obvious choices.
I'm disturbed by the posts that state that Shearwater has not shown interest. My own 2 1/2 year relationship with them has led me to believe that they are quite consumer oriented.