Ratio Dive Computers are now shipped and serviced in the USA!
The Italian dive computer company Ratio Computers has recently opened a branch in the USA. Thanks to valuable collaboration with Seattle-based Dive Tronix, which manages logistics by holding stock and handling order shipments nationwide, requested products are delivered within just a few days of ordering.
The role of the U.S. branch of Ratio Computers is to distribute products within the American territory, already “landed” with import duties and costs covered, and to facilitate order payments via a national credit card system.
Another key aspect of this partnership for establishing Ratio Computers in the USA is Dive Tronix’s role as a repair and support center, providing customers with technical information on using the computers.
During the DEMA Show and the following Black Friday, Ratio Computers is offering dealers the opportunity to purchase at promotional prices.
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The Italian dive computer company Ratio Computers has recently opened a branch in the USA. Thanks to valuable collaboration with Seattle-based Dive Tronix, which manages logistics by holding stock and handling order shipments nationwide, requested products are delivered within just a few days of ordering.
The role of the U.S. branch of Ratio Computers is to distribute products within the American territory, already “landed” with import duties and costs covered, and to facilitate order payments via a national credit card system.
Another key aspect of this partnership for establishing Ratio Computers in the USA is Dive Tronix’s role as a repair and support center, providing customers with technical information on using the computers.
During the DEMA Show and the following Black Friday, Ratio Computers is offering dealers the opportunity to purchase at promotional prices.
More information:

RATIO Dive Computers Completes Its Structure in the United States - DiveNewswire
Ratio dive computers completes United States manufacturing and distribution program.