I don't know if anybody has decided yet. Campers will probably park the RVs under the trees on the east side. Don't know where everyone will gather for the entry point; regular place by the dock on the west side or what. Catch 22 used to have a good sized TSD flag but haven't heard from him in quite awhile.
Dee used to have a big banner; I've seen it when I dove with them at Twin Lakes. Guess I should drop into Zendiving and see if she still has it. We do need to get a meeting point established.
Or...maybe someone could bring an old worn-out bed sheet and a can of this in the great DIMWIT tradition!
Me...I'm bringin' my garden hose snorkle.
This will be my first time at this location. The best spot to throw a tent and be close to the divers is always good. Let me know where that spot for my tent and picnic table should be Friday?