Reef Sweep and Beach Cleanup June 12 '04

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So the Villmar Hotel is the meeting spot. I am so torn between doing a white trash party Sat night and doing the dive there Sat am. Looks like a high speed run from Ft Lauderdale back to Tampa Sat afternoon.


Paul, it will be worth the drive. I'm trying to get out of a business function Saturday night, so that I can maybe squeeze in a night dive. At least the party is after the beach cleanup...
I thought I'd upload some photos of the Florida Conchs for you folks who haven't met us yet. Hope this helps...
Billy Ray and Cyrus may not be able to join us. Something about being a little too familiar with a manatee...
I think I just found my new profile picture. :D
FLL Diver:
I think I just found my new profile picture. :D

Which one? :eyebrow:

(Yes, I stole them from And Krista, I AM working - that's the scary part...)
my god that is a scary (but funny) site... this is my favorite pic:

(it's of Virgil, who has a two-story trailer, shown in the background)
You have GOT to send me that one...

It's our Fearless Leader's profile picture. I would like to see him in a Superman wetsuit. He is Superman! :wink:
Grier, you look much better without so much makeup.
Paul, it will be worth the drive. I'm trying to get out of a business function Saturday night, so that I can maybe squeeze in a night dive. At least the party is after the beach cleanup...

Hello all... I've been reading up on the plans posted thus far, and I don't see a schedule or head count of any kind. Except the time of the clean-up, Sat.9-1pm Bch sweep right?

I read some will be arriving on Fri. night and meeting at the Villmar. Does that mean locals should be there too?

If on Sat. we're going as a group, being that some of us have families, we should coordinate or schedule events at least for after the sweep. (1)Do we have an actual head count?
(2) Will we be out there all day and night? (3).Will it be just BBQ at the hotel??? (4)Are groups being formed for the sweep? (5)Will someone be making runs for tank re-fills? or to each its own?

I have a baby and a husband with a post-op arm, so planning is of the escence to us.. Who is in charge?

Need reply, Thanks!

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