Reef Sweep and Beach Cleanup June 12 '04

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Right? If they do that, bugger them, Jenny or I will make our own logo!

"Conch Divers Public Service Dive Team"

Just for giggles.. anyone interested in stickers or a dive flag that has a conch on it?

If you're making them, it might be nice to put a sticker on our tanks. And I really like the idea of our own conch dive flags...

(At first, I was worried that they might not be in compliance with the dive flag law, then I remembered that the boaters don't pay any attention to them anyway, so I thought, "What the hell...")
I was actually thinking of the flags from the perspective of putting them on car antennas so we could identify ourselves when we have gatherings. I also saw on Ebay that we can get 3x5 dive flags! One of those with a big conch on it would ROCK! In fact, I just put a bid on it (lonealchemy) in hopes I win it and can have it for this upcoming weekend!! :D

I'll have to review state regs, but I didnt see anything that said we cant. Whats to stop us from getting some black cloth, tracing out the conch outline on it, then cutting it out and tacking it to the flag until we figure out how to get it printed? :)
what time is everyone meeting up for a little greeting on Friday?...... I was just wondering if we'll be able to spot each other out.. I'll be the dark headed chick with the tall hunky bald guy who I'm certain will have some sort of dive shirt on....... We are cluess to the area, so probably wont venture out to much futher than the hotel... We're leaving for Key Largo on Sunday, so someone give us a call if things change.. (not sure if we'll have a chance to go online after we leave) We're gonna do a am dive on Friday 11th, then heading straight up to the Villmar hotel.
So the Villmar Hotel is the meeting spot. I am so torn between doing a white trash party Sat night and doing the dive there Sat am. Looks like a high speed run from Ft Lauderdale back to Tampa Sat afternoon.

I'm an easy find, I look like my avatar :wink: I also won the auction on the 3x5 dive flag, so guess what will be flying??? :D

Shears are in!!!! UPS dropped off a heavy box to my doorstep yesterday, I opened it and found the trauma shears inside. All I gots to do is stop by Publix and see if they can hook me up with the empty citrus bags, unless one of ya'll could do that over there and save me wondering "where am I going to pack this?"
Think I will join in for the Pompano Pier if you don't mind. I'll be watching or where we're meeting (and if there are any parties - oops I meant "briefings" - to be had beforehand.
Cool colin!
PUblix bags? sounds good. I will try to remember to snag some over the next week.. just keep reminding me..
Cool colin!
PUblix bags? sounds good. I will try to remember to snag some over the next week.. just keep reminding me..

Just call or stop in the Publix closest to you, ask them to save the orange Citrus bags (mesh fruit bags) for a day or two. That was done for the clean up here and we ened up with some 500+ bags to hold trash! :)

You can see one of the bags right on top of the trash can I'm holding (and needed 4 people to unload :wink:) 071.jpg
BTW, I have my pic in my profile... not the famous one with a Florida Bobwhite on my head, but a pic nonetheless. :D However, they did circulate the one picture on rec.scuba when I stopped some of them from being bullies on here. I think they thought they were harrassing me, but that pic sorta typifies me.

Oh no :11: , Fearless Leader, say it isn't so.. that is not you wearing the Dr. Zeus hat!!... and what, no wet suit? :11: Are you one of those nude divers? Kind of reminds me of an old fairy tale "The Emperor Has No Close On" . My Fearless Leader, I kinda' pictured you with a Superman wet suit from top to bottom and yes ,with the "S" on it, for (Scubaboard). I also pictured you DIR, streamlined with fully operational sausages in all colors oh...say it isn't so!!! :frown3:

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