Reef Sweep and Beach Cleanup June 12 '04

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Right? If they do that, bugger them, Jenny or I will make our own logo!

"Conch Divers Public Service Dive Team"

Just for giggles.. anyone interested in stickers or a dive flag that has a conch on it?
Right? If they do that, bugger them, Jenny or I will make our own logo!

"Conch Divers Public Service Dive Team"

Just for giggles.. anyone interested in stickers or a dive flag that has a conch on it?

Definitely! But where oh where would we find anything like that ?
I'll see if we can get it added to the Scubaboard Deals store.. if not I've got Conch Diver Gear under and I think I can add it there. Well, not a dive flag, but a sticker.... I'll have to see what I can do about a dive flag with the conch :D
Just for giggles.. anyone interested in stickers or a dive flag that has a conch on it?
We are, C-Bulla. Bring some flags. Do you have the baby one piece with conch/flag available or must it be ordered?

Does anyone know if our fearless leader (Net-Doc) going to join us? I sure would like to meet him, are there any pictures of him any where in the board? This reminds me of Charlie's Angels we only know of him. "At least me anyways!"
All the stuff on Cafe Press has to be ordered. I left all the prices at the minimum so I dont make any $ on it.. tryin to keep it inexpensive for people and all.

I haven't even had the spare $ to order a shirt yet.. maybe this weekend...
Anyone know what the water temp is going to be like next weekend there for the clean up?

Last weekend it was (depending on whose computer you looked at) it was 80-82 surface, and 79-81 bottom.
Fearless leader has already committed to teaching a group of Venture Scouts how to Skin Dive that Saturday at Alexander Springs! :(

As many of you know I became an instructor for the express reason of offering lessons free of charge to Scouts and Scouters. The ScubaDucks will gladly accept donations for my efforts, but this is my small way of giving back to the orginization that gave me so much as a youth! :D I try to not break any promises that I make.

BTW, I have my pic in my profile... not the famous one with a Florida Bobwhite on my head, but a pic nonetheless. :D However, they did circulate the one picture on rec.scuba when I stopped some of them from being bullies on here. I think they thought they were harrassing me, but that pic sorta typifies me.
Will you help out a former scout? I'm kinda old to be a scout now hehe. I did make it to eagle though if that helps :wink:
BTW, I have my pic in my profile... not the famous one with a Florida Bobwhite on my head, but a pic nonetheless.

And a darn fine picture I might add. It obviously shows the skill of the photographer who was able to grasp the raw essence of Fearless Leader while still subtly exhibiting his softer side and the inner child within.

And I have more for sale if you want. :D


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