I ran into a bug where the average depth is greater than the max depth.
It seems to me the bug is the whole thing.
I just tried the last release : Oceanlog_2.1.1_Full.exe uploaded two days ago.
I'm a french customer (
I know, nobody's perfect, but you got my money, right ?...)
It seems you have heard about metric, cause you offer the choice of units.
But you are still unable to cope with it.
You add releases after releases but it seems you make a point of keeping it wrong.
One never get any dive data when exporting after setting it to metric.
And when you toggle from imperial to metric & back you get nuts.
>> true temp 17°5=64°F becomes minus 30°F (rather chilly isn't it ?)
>> entering a value of 15 liters for the tank capacity will be
corrected to 14.97 liters ????
>> sac calculation is a real non-sens too : one of my dives will display a sac rate of 8.49476 liters per minute which is rather high for me but makes sens (not talking about the significance of so many digits).
BUT the imperial display is diving for 34 minutes, with a 0,528 cf cylinder, at an average depth of 33 feet,
SAC is 0,29998 cubic feet/minute
I discussed those issues amongst others with your France/Italy/GB representatives.
My idea is that YOU are in charge of testing your software.
You are asking for customers to do your own job.
Releases after releases you keep ignoring the job WE are doing.
should I really trust the diving software in my DC ?