Master Scuba Diver Requirements?

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Just to be entirely clear, I don't recommend the way I outlined as a good way to get a master diver cert.... if you are wanting the cert, there certainly are 5 worthwhile courses (more than that, actually) to take...

Additionally, a well taught equipment specialist course is worthwhile, as is (obviously) Nitrox, and oxygen provider (since you need that for rescue anyway).

I have 7 specialty certs now and tomorrow I am going to complete my rescue diver training. I will probably actually get my master divers cert card because I am a shamelss card chaser... but I don't think it is actually indicative of anything as far as my diving skills go.

Yeah, it is (IMHO) a dorky card but I am a dork, so I will likely pony up for it and add it to the wallet...

Unlike that card, however, I will actually be a bit proud of the rescue diver card... this guy is really putting us through the paces big time...

You do your AOW, and Rescue classes.

For your specialty classes, you choose these: Nitrox, Oxygen Provider, Coral Reef Awareness, Project aware and Equipment specialist... not ONE of which actually require you to get in the water.

You can litterally become a master diver with AOW, Rescue and 50 dives 20 feet deep for 20 minutes in a puddle in your back yard, at least according to PADI... not making a single actual dive in any specialty area.

The cert is a joke.

I am planning on doing the MSD as well - Deep, Night, U/W Nav, Search and Recovery, and wreck. All are specialties that are on the upper end as far as number of dives required, and all of which are the ones that I feel will go the farthest towards making me a more competent diver.

I do agree that it is possible to earn the cert without getting wet, but I have to disagree that the "dry" certs won't make you a better diver. For example, how can learning to better maintain gear, your own or others, no help you when you are on the water and something breaks? Is it better to abort the dive or to be able to fix it? Would you like the benefits of diving Nitrox? Well, the only way to get a fill is to be certified. I could go on but hopefully my point is clear; scuba diving includes a little bit more than just blowing bubbles.

As to why I would possibly shell out for a card just to show that I'm in the cool club, well that's an easy one. . . 15% discount from the LDS for doing it as a package :D. Now does that make me a bad person?
A small rebellion against the SB elite, it's a good start!

Good diving, Craig
Just to be entirely clear, I don't recommend the way I outlined as a good way to get a master diver cert.... if you are wanting the cert, there certainly are 5 worthwhile courses (more than that, actually) to take...

Additionally, a well taught equipment specialist course is worthwhile, as is (obviously) Nitrox, and oxygen provider (since you need that for rescue anyway).

I have 7 specialty certs now and tomorrow I am going to complete my rescue diver training. I will probably actually get my master divers cert card because I am a shamelss card chaser... but I don't think it is actually indicative of anything as far as my diving skills go.

Yeah, it is (IMHO) a dorky card but I am a dork, so I will likely pony up for it and add it to the wallet...

Unlike that card, however, I will actually be a bit proud of the rescue diver card... this guy is really putting us through the paces big time...

Sabbath 999,

Thanks for coming clean, we're all dorks on this bus :dork2:

Good diving, Craig
What exactly is the point of bashing on someone who simply wants to continue their diving. So WHAT if they want to earn their Master Diver Cert! First this board will B***H at people for not wanting to learn and then they B***H because they do! How freakin insane. How exactly is this diver hurting anyone on this board by getting the Master Diver Card? I have met many people who made this a goal and because of the course that they went through are d**m good divers now. How can anyone say that obtaining the cert does not teach you anything and why make someone feel like S**T for wanting to get it???? I simply do not understand!

I hope you continue to do what it is that you want to do and have a great time during every minute of it!

Where exactly are people bashing the OP for wanting to learn more? I cannot see it myself.

No one is even bashing them for wanting to do the Master Diver card, but, many do not realise that the card does not require any extra training and is, in fact, just a card you purchase when you have done a bunch of other courses. Hence why I pointed it out (I did not know this myself when I started diving). The money spent on that could be used to fund further specialties, which would be better for the OP given their aim is to learn more.
Well, maybe I'm just being "sensitive" again... While I was raised that by telling someone that a goal they wanted to achieve is dumb and demeaning is rude, others may not have had that guidance. What if I were to say that trying to achieve, let's say, a lead diver cert was worthless to me and I can't understand why anyone would want that!! It's just wasting money...

Many new divers have the dream of being a Master Diver. While achieving that dream, they are learning skills in whatever specialties they take as-well-as becomming a rescue diver. Anyone who says that working towards that card and obtaining it doesn't teach you anything is just being ignorant.

I shall rebel on fellow divers!!
Hey DOkie,

Some of the SB regulars, perhaps more commonly those walking the party line, as in this case, do not realize how pompous, arrogant, condescending, and intolerant they come across in their posts. I try, only occasionally successfully, to not take the comments personally. I'm with you bud, let's be a bit more flexible and open in our thoughts and opinions. There are many paths to becoming a skilled and experienced diver, we should all just get on one that's right for us.

Good diving, Craig
Well, maybe I'm just being "sensitive" again... While I was raised that by telling someone that a goal they wanted to achieve is dumb and demeaning is rude, others may not have had that guidance. What if I were to say that trying to achieve, let's say, a lead diver cert was worthless to me and I can't understand why anyone would want that!! It's just wasting money...

Please quote me exactly where I said the goal to achieve Master Diver is dumb? I looked but cannot see it. I think the requirements that make up Master Diver are a good aim for new divers but you do not need to buy the card to get these. I think if the Master Diver card is to exist, it really should be provided for free rather than make people pay a large amount of money for just a plastic card. The NAUI Master Diver course might be more worthwhile for the OP to do, as I have heard that you need to do a course in order to obtain this. As they have stated, their aim is to learn more. Buying a plastic card will not teach them about diving and the money spent on the card could be spent on other training.

Also what is a lead diver cert? Have not heard of it so do not understand your example.

Many new divers have the dream of being a Master Diver.

While achieving that dream, they are learning skills in whatever specialties they take as-well-as becomming a rescue diver. Anyone who says that working towards that card and obtaining it doesn't teach you anything is just being ignorant.

Please quote exactly where someone has said working towards the qualifications that make up Master Diver will not teach one anything? I could not see it here myself.
For one of the parts, I misquoted myself and meant to say Dive Leader. And I was not comparing the two certs so you need not to explain to me the difference. Simply stating that if someone wanted to get this cert and I told them it's a waste of their money and really meant nothing to anyone I'm sure I'd ruffle a few feathers....

For some reason you always seem to think I'm specifically addressing you. (And no I won't spend the next hour trying to find the posts where this has occurred so please don't ask me to). I was not specifically targeting you. It was said that the master diver certification itself does not mean anything. That is correct. The card itself does not require any action other than a payment. However, my point is it DOES require that you complete all of the prerequisites to obtain it. The knowledge therefore gained can make you a better/more knowlegeable diver. So in a sense, obtaining the card does have it's advantages. Now as for this individual wanting to spend their money in a way that would be deemed unworthy is quite frankly none of yours, mine or anyone else's business. Are we going to start telling them what equipment they should buy because anything else would be a waste of money? Again,the diver did not ask anyone's opinion on whether or not they should get the card, quite simply just what the required dives were. Right now I know of two divers that are extremely excited about working towards that goal. It would never cross my mind to tell them it's not a card they want to purchase. They get only encouragement from this end.

I can see you're back at your picking again and I have absolutely nothing good to say to you. Please consider the above as civil as I will be. Thank you.

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