Little girls and makeup

Am I an old fuddy duddy?

  • Yes, get with it.

    Votes: 17 14.0%
  • No more than I am.

    Votes: 104 86.0%

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Walter, your post is unworthy of a reply. Sorry. Also suggest spell check.

Thread topic: applying make-up to a 2 year old without parental consent.

This is NOT-OK!

Then don't reply. Don't be sorry. I know the thread topic, but my post was in response to yours, I didn't take it there.
Sorry fella's I seriously disagree with you on underwear choices. Just as women have moved from having pads essentially tied to us (giant, bulky, uncomfortable things) to most, not all, using tampons. We have moved from wads of underwear material hanging from us. Sorry, I don't see underwear as sexual. Unless I am buying the things from a sex shop!

Nowadays, I prefer boy shorts though. Still not bulky and hang a bit lower, which I like.
Missdirected: most using tampons. ....
just because most do doesnt mean everyone does...... thats the joy of having choices Miss - which i know we both respect eachother in making (dont make me show you my thong pics!)

I don't believe the issue here is makeup or not, the issue is a teacher overstepping her authority.....
for me, this seems to be the basis of the OP thread and i still agree with this
Sorry fella's I seriously disagree with you on underwear choices. Just as women have moved from having pads essentially tied to us (giant, bulky, uncomfortable things) to most using tampons. We have moved from wads of underwear material hanging from us. Sorry, I don't see underwear as sexual. Unless I am buying the things from a sex shop!

Yes, I didn't mean to start any trouble here, but women have put up with quite a bit, historically. Okay..let me not compare thong underwear to jock bout a boy in a speedo?

I don't really make fun of men in speedos because I know they are very practical. People make fun, but they don't imply the men are promiscuous if they wear them, the way they do if a woman wears certain things.
My point is, people will more quickly "assume things" about a girl who wears certain things than a guy. And..we females have to be a little radical and defend ourselves, or who knows what pious individuals would have us wearing. We need to do it for our daughters, so they will have the freedom to dress how they like.

If a parent finds them distasteful, for their daughter...that's fine, but they should stop short of assuming a girl who wears something is promiscous, because quite often, that is not true. At least don't project your ideas and perceptions on to child you don't know.

When I was in high school, many of the parents made a thing about girls that used tampons, and made inferences from that...very damaging and ignorant.

It's a good comparison Miss makes because now at least girls can take gym class and participate in all sports. If certain girls did not fly in the face of "conventional wisdom" we would all still be stuck on that shore.

I don't believe the issue here is makeup or not, the issue is a teacher overstepping her authority.....

I actually agree with that...hopefully she has the rapport with someone who is trusted with her very young child, to say "could you not let her do that again?"
And..we females have to be a little radical and defend ourselves, or who knows what pious individuals would have us wearing.

i think i speak for all males over the age of 13 when i say, the lesser the better

(yes, men are pigs .... but some of us have cuter snouts than others)
Very true. "Most" by no means is to be taken as "all people".

Night all.

aS for little ones (children) aren't they where cartoon character undies right now anyway? When girls get older and start dressing, sorry, I still stick by something other than granny panties.
oh...I set myself up for that.

and here I was being all serious.
you made a very good point, C ... i was just teasing
I can be kinda preachy...but I am really just lecturing myself.
OMG, I think I'd have a heart attack if my girls were wearing thongs now! (They will be 4 in March.) I'm even having a hard time with the little bikini panties they got for Christmas! :nonono: When they are older, teenagers and beyond, I'm sure they will have thongs or what ever is the current fashion just as I’m sure they will be wearing makeup and God forbid - dating and more. :errrr: I do plan on helping guide those decisions and not letting teachers make the decision for me. (Notice the concerted effort to tie back into the topic?:eyebrow: ) I just hope at that, when those times come, I've given them a value base and taught them right from wrong well enough to make intelligent decisions regarding life choices. I'm their dad and it's in my nature to want to protect them but I would rather do it through education rather than sheltering them. (Did I actually just say that:confused: hopefully this won't come back to haunt me) Oh, and bribing their brother :wink:

I must disagree though with anyone who thinks thongs don't have a sexual component. After 15 years my wife started wearing thongs claiming the reasons Catherine mentioned. - and I bought it.:shakehead Let’s just say that there WAS a sexual component and she's now my ex. They may not have a sexual component for you ladies but as Andy said, less is better from a guy’s point of view :drooling:(in reference to appreciation of the adult female form of course!).

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