omar once bubbled...
omar once bubbled...
Also, I expect that when you get more experience you will realize how foolish it is to argue about DIR on the net. It is a no win proposition (been there, done that).
Fair enough, omar. I wasn't arguing DIR on the 'net, though.
Someone asked, "What does DIR say about redundant bladders," and I gave them an answer. That's all. There was no argument about DIR on the 'net.
From there, I was accused of "preaching." All I did was answer the question. I even preceded it with, "I'm new at this, but here's the answer that I was taught."
I don't understand why y'all see this so differently than I do. Are you guys reading the posts? Would you please explain to me what's going on here?
Rec2Tek once bubbled...
A guy like SeaJay... A weekend wonder who has taken a DIRF class and now is an expert with all kinds of experience.
Okay, firstly, I am not a "weekend wonder." I've got 200+ dives in just a few short months. Sure, it might not be the thousands of dives that others have proclaimed here, but it hardly makes me a "weekend wonder."
No matter, though... Why are my credentials up for review? Someone asked, "What does DIR say," and since I JUST learned the answer to that question, I shared. This isn't, and has never been, about ME.
It doesn't seem like anyone is jumping on the bandwagon to explain this to me. Will someone please? Why such a negative attitude about all of this? Sure, I got testy with MikeF, but that's because of his long-standing history of coming after me. I still don't understand what the problem is, and it's not getting any better if y'all don't talk to me about it.