To be blunt, the For-Deep-Air crew isn't looking too good right now. Too many personal attacks, too many snide remarks, too much name calling.
NWGD has asked some pointed questions, and you guys are evading them.
Here I am, an AN/DP trained diver, and in this entire thread, haven't heard one reason why I should ever go below ~150 on air. You guys are not making your argument.
Up until post 88 (and 97, and 101), things were going fairly well; Bob does have a tendency to get kind of emotional and off topic.
Discounting those three, I think the score is something like 9 - 1 (maybe 2) ????
(post 2)So, I'm simply exercising my freedom of speech to roundly criticize the activity as being entirely stupid and pointless, and I don't see the point of debating it or treating it like I'm debating someone making rational choices.
That still gives someone the freedom to go out there and dive that way. Nobody can stop you. But you don't have the freedom to dive that way *and* talk about it in public *and* not have me call you out as an idiot.
After the thread was reopened ...
(post 20)As for France... well, it's just France. French people live there. Adhering or recognising any form of international consensus seems to be an anathema to their national culture![]()
(post 29)The internet seems to promote a race to the bottom of stupidity everywhere else, so why not here?
(post 48, calling "knowone" stupid?... of course, doing the same stupid things for 50 years doesn't make them any less stupid ...Now there's me and halemano with almost a combined 100
years of life, with probably NINETY YEARS IN THE OCEAN
Some people just learn quicker than others ...

(post 52, ouch)I mean, Halemano has been diving since Moses was around, right?
(post 53, gigglingly angry, you lie!)On the other hand, I doubt I could ever learn anything from Halemano. He's too angry ... angry people scare me.
(post 57)As I said..."In France...."
(post 90)As an adult, I'd recognise such divers as immature. Spank them. Send them to their rooms. I'd chuckle a little to myself... knowing they'd learn the folly of their ways when they grew up.
(post 49)Ten years diving, having started at fifty and only sharing
you biased information if people ask you nicely or pay you
I know, I'll start diving and teaching as a menopausal gift to myself
in a swamp
Joke yes!
(post 94)Bob, I know you get it.
Do you get that pigeonholing the masses in your quest, with bullying
feeds the stupid divers doing stupid fire and keeps these threads alive
As for post 88 (and 97, and 101), Bob's contribution up to that point was not bad, with exception of calling "knowone" stupid

Perhaps it hasn't been obvious, but the "conceptual continuity" of all my post "Opal" deep air posting has been a progression from initial shocked "you shouldn't talk about it", as you, Jax, should remember because you quote/flamed me as the first response (iirc), to now perhaps deep air curious. I don't get where anyone thinks I am giving advice on deep air. Over and over I post my 3 deeper than 130' dives, to show that I am the one asking, kind of from the same standpoint as "joe vast majority", who could internet search my email and ask me to ask questions they don't want to get flamed over. Then I make more posts / ask questions not dissimilar from those "joe vast majority" might post/ask, if they weren't afraid of the flames.