Is Deep Air / Light Deco (bounce?) Discussible on ScubaBoard?

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You were NOT equipped to do the dive.....
Says who? The Scuba Police? No thanks :no:

Let me remind you the title of this thread "Is Deep Air / Light Deco (bounce?) Discussible on ScubaBoard?"

And my post is an example of such type of dive - that happens every day. Have you dove the Devil's Throat in Cozumel? When I was there there were 2 boats - full of recreational divers - in front of us and 2 more waiting after us.

And what is a "Deep Air / Light Deco (bounce?) dive" anyway?

How do you define it?

By the maximum depth?

By the profile?

By going into deco? If so, according to what? Your tables? My tables? His computer? The other guy algorithm?

So, If I set my computer in very conservative mode and it goes in light deco (the one that goes away by the time you get to your safety stop) why is it worse than setting the computer in very aggressive mode so it does not show any deco obligation - for the same profile?

What I am trying to communicate here is that: a) yes, we should discuss this thread - even outside of the tech forum, b) those types of dives happen every day, and c) divers - specially the recreational divers in vacation - should be made more aware of the risks of those type of dives

Alberto (aka eDiver)
Someone touched a nerve...

Have you dove the Devil's Throat in Cozumel? When I was there there were 2 boats - full of recreational divers - in front of us and 2 more waiting after us

Oh, well why didn't you say so... if all the other kids are jumping off the roof then that makes it perfectly ok

Still waiting -- have not heard anything about why one would (a) want to dive deep on air

It's been mentioned - in this thread and in most of the many, many other threads we've had on the exact same topic
Well, well, haven't we derailed this thread?

Still waiting -- have not heard anything about why one would (a) want to dive deep on air nor (b) what's so great about it?

Well we already told you that you are not qualified to do the deep air dives due to your inexperience.

If you are so dull and uninformed that it is impossible to imagine why someone might choose to dive 142 feet on air, then there is no reason to try to explain it to you. Hell, my mother has not been able to understand why I scuba dive (or freedive) at all.
......Oh, well why didn't you say so... if all the other kids are jumping off the roof then that makes it perfectly ok.....
It depends ..... on how tall is the roof ;)

Isn't this the matter we are debating anyway? (how do you define a "Light Deco (bounce)" and how risky is it).

Alberto (aka eDiver)
Yes, when I was a kid I WAS jumping off roofs .... we were even jumping off cliffs ... and bridges :shocked2:

But then was then .... and I was indestructible ...... now ... if I jump off a chair I might injure myself :(
Jax it has nothing to do with wanting to dive deep air. There already diving deep air and want to go deeper and need a little knowledge on how to do so. If you are looking for a reason to WANT to do it, it aint there, especially for you, you claim to be some what of an engineer, you do not have what it takes to be able to change your profile quickly and know what amount of time and at what depths.
You jax need calculations and need it to be one solid plan for you to perform that task.
Says who? The Scuba Police? No thanks :no:

Let me remind you the title of this thread "Is Deep Air / Light Deco (bounce?) Discussible on ScubaBoard?"

And my post is an example of such type of dive - that happens every day. Have you dove the Devil's Throat in Cozumel? When I was there there were 2 boats - full of recreational divers - in front of us and 2 more waiting after us.

And what is a "Deep Air / Light Deco (bounce?) dive" anyway?

How do you define it?

By the maximum depth?

By the profile?

By going into deco? If so, according to what? Your tables? My tables? His computer? The other guy algorithm?

So, If I set my computer in very conservative mode and it goes in light deco (the one that goes away by the time you get to your safety stop) why is it worse than setting the computer in very aggressive mode so it does not show any deco obligation - for the same profile?

What I am trying to communicate here is that: a) yes, we should discuss this thread - even outside of the tech forum, b) those types of dives happen every day, and c) divers - specially the recreational divers in vacation - should be made more aware of the risks of those type of dives

Alberto (aka eDiver)
As I had already made it very clear if you had equipped yourself with a twin set and deco mixes, you would had finished that dive with well over one full tank of BG left and NOT 300psi!!!!! And If that female diver really needed help you would have no problem of doing that.
Your mentioned dive had nothing to do with the computer being set too conservative or aggressive. It was the amount of gas that you had left when climbed back to the boat. If your buddy needs help your grand 300psi would only last no more than couple of minutes.
Says who? The Scuba Police? No thanks :no:

As has already been said, if you own your own boat, then who is to stop you?

Dive with extreme aggression and little prudence and you might find that charter boats and potential dive buddies become 'mysteriously busy' as reputation proceeds you.

I've seen customers banned/denied from boats and dive centres for unsafe diving practices - including bounce diving and/or deliberately going into deco. I've also seen where those boats/centres have 'passed the word' about said divers to their business peers. That's the prerogative of the instructor/business concerned.

Let me remind you the title of this thread "Is Deep Air / Light Deco (bounce?) Discussible on ScubaBoard?" be fair...the answer has been given.

That answer being...'in the right context, yes'.

Context is determined by whether the discussed dive plan fits the level of training possessed by the diver who would carry it out.

That context also determines the appropriate location, within the forum, for the discussion.

Nothing more, nothing less.

And what is a "Deep Air / Light Deco (bounce?) dive" anyway?

Deep air.. there's a range of possible interpretations; but each of these interpretations has a context, which can still shape the nature and location of the discussion to be had.

Deep air can mean a recreational dive within the zone of possible/potential narcosis. i.e. using air for dives in the 30-40m range.

Deep air can mean a technical dive that exceeds training qualifications (air courses tend to limit at ~50m), or beyond agency recommended max PPO2 limits.

Deco is Deco. A diver either has specific training/qualification for a deco dive (of whatever depth/duration/deco time/gas mix/es) or they don't. If they don't, then they shouldn't be doing it.

By going into deco? If so, according to what? Your tables? My tables? His computer? The other guy algorithm?

By whatever approved method you have chosen, and been trained, to utilise.

So, If I set my computer in very conservative mode and it goes in light deco (the one that goes away by the time you get to your safety stop) why is it worse than setting the computer in very aggressive mode so it does not show any deco obligation - for the same profile?

Well, there's very little point setting a conservative mode on a recreational dive, if you're not going to adhere to the NDL anyway.

You either dive conservatively, or you dive aggressively. People set the conservative status because they want to dive prudently and/or they acknowledge specific factors that may otherwise predispose them to DCS. Going into deco is probably not the best strategy if a diver is concerned about their predisposition to DCS.

Why would anyone who wanted to dive aggressively then put their computer into a more conservative mode? To win petty arguments on an internet forum?

What I am trying to communicate here is that: a) yes, we should discuss this thread - even outside of the tech forum,

If the context is right, you can. If it isn't right, or people subvert the thread to lead it out of context, then the thread closes, or gets moved.

b) those types of dives happen every day,

Lots of things happen every day. It does not mean they should be advocated, encouraged, popularised or otherwise countenanced.

The frequency in which something occurs, should not be used as a tool for legitimising it. It should be judged on its merits, not its popularity.

and c) divers - specially the recreational divers in vacation - should be made more aware of the risks of those type of dives

In which case, simply add some threads to the New Diver, Basic and Advanced forums re-stating the prudent advice given by the training agencies... and back these up with definitive examples of why these rules exist. Substantiate those examples with references to valid examples contained within the A&I forum - or with reputable explanations described within the Diving Medicine and 'Dr Deco' forums.

Providing clear advice not to do something... a warning, a recommendation etc... that is in-line with agency advice and standards... is a very different vehicle to debating pros and cons about whether that activity should/could be performed, at any given level of diving.

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